Chapter 8 A bald kid with a arrow in his head

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Meanwhile at the tribe
He sighed and thought at least that's taken care of and she OH SHIT she better not try to water bend in the palace, thought again worried. Started walking to his tent a person tapped his shoulder. He turned around and see a lady with a little girl and baby she's carrying she asked,"Can you please go fish for the tribe? We're running out of food again." He pumped his hand in his chest and said,"I will ma'am and you don't have to worry." The woman smiled and bowed to him. He bow as well then SSKRT then walked back.
He asked nervously,"By...myself?" She nodded to say,'yes you coward and get your ass to fishing.' He sighed and thought, why can't the fire nation hire soldiers instead? So he got one of the canoes and got the fishing tools and put the canoe in the water. Let's just get this over with,he
Time skip (1 hour later)
"Ugh...not ONE single fish swam by I know this asking too much but might as well wish Katara is here and she could have waterbend the fish to here,"he angrily said. He sighed and thought,might as well get back in the village. But then when he started rowing the boat the water flow started going backward rapidly. Since he was standing up he fell face down. "Okay that hurt--WHOA,"he said so he took the oar and try to paddle back. "You know what I might as well end up in Ba Sing Se (I don't know how he knows that but he does),"he said as he pick up the oar. Then the water flow stopped and he got up and said,"What in the world is THAT?"
He stepped out but as soon he got out and walked to the ice bubble. He heard the canoe floating away and try to run and catch it. But hilariously failed and he said,"Well there goes my ticket back. He sighed and asked,"What now?" Then looked at the ice inside is a kid. He thought, might have to break it and how is that the person NOT cold in the inside I hope he's not dead. Then he raised his oar and started trying to break the ice but it won't break.
After two tries he decided to be harder to let this work,hit the ice harder then the ice broke open in half and a laser beam was shot out of the air. Covering his eyes then he took his arms off and see a person float down the ice with his eyes glowing then his eyes again. He looked at the kid but then back up again to pick up his oar and then start poking the person. After 5 pokes the person woke up and slowly stood up and asked looking around,"Who are you and where am I?" Sokka he said,"You're in the South Pole and Southern Water Tribe." It nodded it's head to process what he said. Then Sokka still holding the oar in the air and asked,"Wait wait who are you?" He smiled and said,"Hi there Sokka my name is Aang. I'm a airbender I'm from the Air Temple." Sokka looking up and down at him then said,"So you're a bald kid with a arrow in his head?" "Yep. ^^" What the actual hell is happening here,Sokka thought.
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