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Tati Pov

Finally I yelled running out of the hospital. Yah Sicily yelled. It was her warning not to break my stitches again. The first time I tried to sneak out the hospital because I was bored but I didn't get very far in my escape. I was caught by Jungkook and forced to back to he room where my stitches were fixed.

Then I had to stay another four days. Isn't that wonderful but it doesn't even matter anymore because I am free. Hurry up and get in the van Ember yelled. She just had to kill my fun I thought getting into the van. We had to go to the MBC TV building. I wasn't aloud to perform on stage or sing. So they divided my parts equally.

Once the van came to a stop we all got out. Many of our fans waited in the line. The members rushed inside and I talked with some fans. We took pictures and I signed autograph. Some one even wanted to see my stitches. Of course I didn't show them. That's a little weird if you ask me.

I waved being dragged off by my manager. Inside I sat on the couch bored out of my mind. Shake it for me my baby I sang quietly hoping no one would hear. Yah Sicily yelled. Fine I grumbled boerd.

Laying on the couch I shoved my head phones in getting comfortable falling asleep.


Dream Pov
(Still Tati Pov)

Your a Monster my mother yelled as my father kept packing his bags. And your a Whore he yelled. Why where they fighting I couldn't understand. They were always so happily and loved each other. Well that's at least what I told myself. I was a child. No older than 6 just wanting a happily family but I knew they weren't happy.

When mother was gone dad would bring different women to the house. When dad was gone mom would bring different men to the house. They were both in the wrong. But both were in denial.

Well if your leaving take her too my mother said. It got quiet. I can't do that he said lowly probably not wanting me to hear. Fine leave just like your father did. Be exactly like the man you hate most she screamed. The door opened. My mothers eyes meet mine as she walked past. Tears spilled down her cheeks. She gave me a smile before walking down the stairs. Tati my father called out. Peaking my head around the corner my father waved for me to come. Making my way over to him, I bit my nails.

He picked me up and sat on the bed in front of him. Honey this isn't your fault. Remember that Daddy will always love. I'll come back and see you, so make sure to be a good girl for mommy and always follow your dreams he said kissing my forehead. He grabbed his bag gave me one last smile and disappeared forever.

I had always been a daddy's girl. My mother seemed to resent me for not being the daughter she wanted. The daughter who would wear pink everyday to school. The one who would wear plastic heels and play with barbies. She wanted me to be the daughter she dreamed of. Instead I only wore sneakers and played sports in school and only had guy friends. She hated it more than anything. That i wasn't the daughter that she could show off to her friends.

For more than a year. She abused and neglected me. Blaming me for why my father left. When in reality it was her who made him leave.

Alright honey Wait right here my mother said as she walked into the large building. Soon she and a lady came out. They began taking things out the trunk of the car before coming to my side of the car. This is Miss Jade she said trying to hide the disgust in her voice when she talked to me. Your gonna stay here for a while okay she said. Getting out the car I followed after miss jade as my mother drove off with no intent of coming back for me. Just like my father.


My eyes snapped open and I sat straight up. The very few memories of my child hood I hated decided to resurface. Someone poked my forehead. You alright Oppa asked looking at me from over the couch. Yeah I'm fine I said sitting up and carefully stretching. You Sure You kept mumbling mom and dad he asked sitting by me. Yeah I'm fine I lied. Alright let's go I have a surprise for you he said giving me to stand. Is it candy I asked excitedly.

No he replied looking at me weirdly. We walked and walked for a while. My feet hurt I complained. Signing I jumped onto his back and we continued onwards. Until we got to to a pet shop.

Jumping off his back. I rushed inside. They were all so cute. The birds the dogs even the fish. They were all just so cute. Follow me he grabbing me hand and pulling me into a small room. Inside there was a whole bunch of small puppies they all played together and chased after the ball. Aww I squealed. He lead me over to a workers where she lead me to a little doggy home. Inside was a very small black and brown puppy. She opened the little door and the sleeping puppy woke up.

It rushed over to the edge looking like it was about to jump. I readied my hands to catch it if it fell. It jumped right into my hands. And when I put the puppy back. It just jumped again. Surprise Jungkook said with his arms wide.

I was momentarily lost. What do you mean I asked. She's yours he said. The small puppy licked my arm. I wiped my eyes quickly and held the puppy. Yah are you crying he said trying to lift my head. No I replied pushing his hand away.

I could hear him laugh. His arms wrapped around us. Stop crying you shouldn't at a time like this he teased and I pinched him. He kissed my forehead wiping my happy tears away.

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