Six Months Later

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( a/n: the begin of the story setting was the end of January. )

Tati pov

The feeling of a large furry ball on my face caused me to wake up. Well that and cookie biting my nose. I glared at the small animal. She was still a trouble maker. Always eating and biting everything she could get to. She climbed off of me tugging at my hair.

Every morning she did this to wake me up to walk her. I don't even know how she gets on my bed. It's too high up for her to jump onto. I sat up pushing the blankets off my body. I showered and got dressed. I put cookie on her leash and went to the market from some groceries.

I grabbed a basket putting cookie in the front making my way around the store. I mostly bought fruit meat and junk food. I bought some puppy treats for cookie and paid for everything. Once we got back home I let her off the leash and began putting the food away.

Once I put everything away she began detracting at the door. Sometimes I can't  deal with all her energy. I made some tea and let her run on the beach. Sitting on the porch watching the sun rise and morning waves.

When I landed here six months ago I immediately checked myself into a mental hospital. I wasn't like the other patients. I only did group sessions and therapy sessions. It helped to talk with other people with similar stories to mine. About a month ago I was cleared to stop treatment. I did plan on going back afterwards. I just felt I needed a little more time to find myself. Well it was more I was being a coward. I was afraid to face my members and family after all that happened.

I signed running a hand threw my hair. It had grown back to its original length before it had gotten cut. Now it's to much hair to deal with. Leaning back the sound of waves soothed me. I giggled and watched as cookie glared at the neighborhood cat sitting on our porch. Well she was more like my cat.

She slept in the house on cold windy and rainy days. She ate cookies food so I bough her own. And just like cookie she likes do to destroy everything. She came over to me taking a seat on the arm of the chair. Cookie growled at her. They glared at each other for a moment and kept glaring until I went to pick up the phone and they both followed.

Hello I said into the phone. What are you doing my sister asked. She was the only person who actually knew where I was. The only reason for that is because when I got to the house she was leaving. All she did was give me the key and said stay healthy. Ever since then all she does is call and annoy me. Like she's doing now. Everyday she asked the same questions over and over.

I'm hanging up I said. Wait no she said but I cut her off ending the call. Knowing her she will call again. Setting down my cup I went back outside to take a walk by the shore. The water was clear as always. Just as it is always cold. Blue my cat ran off again and Cookie chased after the seagulls.

I held the end of my dress not wanting it to get wet. Cookie began running off. I chased after her with a shoe in one hand and a dress in the other. Cookie I called out as she kept running. For a puppy so small she sure knows how to run. She ran to a guy holding his shoes in one hand and a phone and paper in the other. She tried to bite his ankles.

I'm really sorry I said in English bending down and picking her up. She was more hyper than usual. She squirmed out of my arms and ran back to the house. I'm really sorry I repeated finally looking up.

I froze in shock. He had gotten taller. JungKook what are you doing here I asked shocked that someone found me. Suddenly he dropped his items. Wrapping his arms around me. JungKook I said still in shock. His arms tightened around me. Please Please don't leave me again he pleaded. His head still rested on my shoulder. Oppa I said and he  pulled away from he. Quickly wiping his eyes. Fool I said punching him.

I told you to be happy I smiled as he smiled back at me. He grabbed my hand once again. I can't be happy without the one thing that makes me happy he said looking me in the eyes.

Aww that was so cheesy I heard from behind him. Looking to the side I saw my manger BTS my members and BTS Mangers. Did you really have to bring all of them I joked. Next thing I know I'm being tackled by multiple people taking JungKook down with me. It felt just like the time before everything happened.

I smiled as JungKook helped me up. Everyone began arguing just like old times as we both snuck away to walk on the beach. Hand in hand.


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