Hopeless Love

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Tati pov

I sat in my dressing room with Vernon and Joshua. We all had our phones connected through the wifi playing a racing game. Joshua hit my elbow, but I was still in the zoned. Then I pressed pause on Vernon's phone just as he was about to pass the finish line. I passed Joshua winning first place just as Vernon's game resumes.

You guys suck I taunted with my head held high. I stood up. Both pulled up their jackets up. I slapped both their wrist really hard. Only to cause myself pain.

I sat back down to play again. Tati my manger said causing me to pause my games. My head turned towards the door to see all the members of BTS. I'll be back I said standing up and walking out the door.

Did you need something I asked as they dragged me to the stair well. You can stop now Jin said. Stop what I asked innocently. Pretending that your happy Jimin said. Why would I be pretending I am happy I lied with the most convincing face ever. Yeah real happy Suga said holding up a picture of me crying from yesterday.

You and jungkook need to make up. Rap Monster said. No I declined trying to walk away. Hence the word trying. They had me trapped to were I couldn't leave.

Tati you both need each other it's obvious. After what your brother told him he didn't want to risk hurting you Jin said. Then everyone's eyes went wide. What did my brother say I asked and they all got quiet expect for V. He told him about your childhood he blurted out causing the other to glare at him. I froze. He knew.He just didn't know exactly the reason why. Everything thinks it's because I was lonely but that wasn't even close. Tati we need you on stand buy my manger said. I have to go I said pushing through them. It was a secret only three people knew. Something I tried to keep locked away forever.

I grabbed my mic getting setup. I walked onto the stage with my biggest fake smile ever. Vernon and Joshua came out and sang with me. My mind kept racing as the crowd swayed side to side.

As I got to my final song I started to feel light headed. All I had to do was finish this last song.

na na
Na na na na na na na)
Just like a blanket
Left behind
Like expiration
Running out of time

When you left me out there alone
I was waiting for you to come back and take me home
Just like lost and found
I was hoping you would come back for me
Just like lost and found
If you never came back I need someone to deserves me

Turn my world upside down
The day that you left me around
For lost and found
For lost and found

Just like a penny
Dropped on the ground
That everyone's kicking
Not caring about
That's how you make me feel

When you left me out there alone
I was waiting for you to come back and take me home
Just like lost and found
I was hoping you would come back for me
Just like lost and found
If you never came back I need someone to deserves me

Turn my world upside down
The day that you left me around
For lost and found (oooohh woah)
For lost and found (oooohh woah yeah)

I waited for you to come back for me
But you took long and now someone else got me (yeah)
Just like lost and found
I was hoping you'd come back for me
Just like lost and found
If you never came back I need someone to deserves me

Turn my world upside down
The day that you left me around
For lost and found (ooooh woah)
For lost and found (ooooh woah)

I waved to the crowd as I began to disappear under the stage. I made my way backstage. Swaying slightly. My manger gave me a bottle of water. That only seemed to make my problem worse. I swayed as I walked towards the drawing room. Black spots began to fill my Vision as BTS walked by. We both made eye contact with one another. The last thing I heard was my name being called.

She's okay it's just a mixture of stress and exhaustion. All she needs is some rest and a good meal I heard someone say. Thank You another person said.

I groaned opening my eyes to see my brother a doctor and a nurse shoving a needle in my arm. The nurse flashed a light in my eye blinding me. You just stay here and rest the doctor said leaving the room. I sat up my brother rushed over to help me.

I pushed his hands away. He seemed hurt. I want it be alone I said not bothering to look at him. Tati listen I know your upset but I'm doing what's best for you he said trying to get me to agree.

That's the problem I said. He ran a hand threw his hair. I'm just trying to keep you safe he pleaded. That's the problem. He always wants to protect me and do what's best for me. But he suffocating me in the process. In reality it's more him want to control me. Telling me what I can and can't do. Who I can't and can't see. This has been going on since the accident. I've learned from my mistakes. I've become a better person a stronger person but he won't see that.

No it's you trying to control me I said. He grew angry. I'm not trying to- yes you are I cut him off. Everything little thing I do you try to control. I understand that you love me but I feel like I'm suffocating. You don't understand that I'm not the same person I was two years ago. Yes I don't remember most of it but I'm not that same girl anymore.

I've changed its only you who can't see that I yelled frustrated. He stood quietly. Why can't you just let me learn from my mistakes instead of trying to prevent them all the time. I'm not perfect and I never will be. I screamed crying. Im losing my mind.
Everything's falling apart.

His head was hung low. He walked out the door leaving me to cry. My life sucks I thought to myself wiping my eyes.

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