What would I be like being happy?

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What would it be like if I were happy?

A question pondered in moments fleeting,

Amidst chances few, slipping slyly by,

Unnoticed, unrealized, silently retreating.

Yearning for love, acceptance in my eye,

To embrace myself, unmasked, untied,

To watch movies without query, songs unbound,

Eating without dread, weightless, untried.

Lost in the shuffle, identities abound,

Disguises worn, true self shrouded, denied,

A costume for each day, for everyone found,

In this masquerade, truth buried, implied.

Yet amidst the chaos, a whisper, a sound,

What's life without joy, where sorrow resides?

Seeking happiness, elusive, unwound,

Perhaps in freedom, its essence resides.

But the answer eludes, in shadows confound,

Forever veiled, where truth subsides,

What is happiness? In dreams, it's crowned,

Yet I may never know, where freedom abides

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