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In the midst of chaos, I stand alone,

Knowing I'm the architect of this strife I've sown.

I created this whole situation, it's true,

But now I'm lost, not sure what to do.

I messed up, I admit, I made a mistake,

And now, redemption feels like a distant lake.

Is there a return from this mess I've made?

Or am I forever trapped in this charade?

I hate this situation, the walls closing in,

I long to break free, to let new chapters begin.

To be liberated from the chains that bind,

And leave this turmoil, this mess behind.

Having to justify myself, answer every query,

Feels like a burden, my spirit grows weary.

So many questions, swirling in my mind,

Leaving me paralyzed, unable to find

A way out of this maze, this tangled web,

Where I'm trapped, feeling like I'm half-dead.

I hate that I can't even think straight,

With every explanation, I feel more irate.

But I must face the truth, confront my own creation,

I dug this hole, without hesitation.

Now, I'm trapped within, feeling the weight,

Hoping against hope, I'll find an escape gate.

Will I make it out of here, I can't be sure,

But I'll fight, I'll struggle, and I'll endure.

For I hate this predicament, the chains that bind,

But I'll forge ahead, leaving this mess behind.

Verses of Silence: Poems of the SoulWhere stories live. Discover now