Thanks for the hate

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Thanks for all the hate, that bitter brew.

Forced by prejudice, a skewed worldview.

You never believed, but I found my might.

Thanks for the bullying, the darkness of night.

Thanks for the beatings, the scars I bear.

I never thought I'd rise from despair.

Pain taught me bravery, made me whole.

Stronger than ever, with heart and soul.

The words of destruction, they echo loud.

Yet each one fuels my resolve, unbowed.

Stored in my heart, a reminder, a flame.

That I won't surrender, won't play your game.

I have my flaws, I'm not pristine.

But who among us is, in this scene?

Who are you to cast stones and judge.

In my world, my rules, I won't begrudge.

All your hate, a poison you imbue,

Wishing me harm, but it makes me anew.

Surprise, you bastards, your venom fuels fire.

It's your hate that propels me higher.

To those who despise, I wish you well.

For happy hearts have no tales to tell.

So take your dose of poison, but know.

It's your hate that makes my spirit glow.

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