Chapter Five: Chikorita

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Pikachu woke up with drops of crystal-clear dew all over the long grass brushing up against him. He could hear the songs of Spearows whistling through the trees. He looked up at the slowly swaying branches and leaves above him, warm daylight seeping through, leaving a pattern on the forest floor.

He needed to eat. He looked around again in search of food, but with no luck, trekked off into the woods. After about twenty minutes, he saw what looked like a bush full of heart-shaped berries. He wasn't sure what to do with them, so he got a closer look. He leaned into the bush, smelling the sweet smell of the berries. He decided that they were not poisonous, and reached out to pick some.

Almost instantly, a flock of Pidgeys swooped in and filled the forest with greedy squawks. They picked at the bush and left no berries by the time they all flew away.

"Pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu screamed in an attempt to scare off the thieves.

But the wild pokémon did not look back. They were just selfish. Pikachu sighed and continued on his walk in search of food.

He walked and walked for hours without any luck. By the time he found a berry bush by a stream the sun was setting. Pikachu was so relieved. He was very tired and starving. He ate many berries until his stomach was full, and drank the clear stream water. He then decided it was time to go to sleep once again. He did not see anywhere comfortable he could sleep, so he curled up in the long grass and dozed off.

Pikachu dreamed that he was back with Ash, and that everything was alright again. It made him cry in his sleep because he realized that his happy life was gone. He would have to start a new life as a wild pokémon and learn to forget about what it used to be like. He would have to forget about Ash, which would be difficult.

Pikachu heard a noise. He couldn't make out what it was, but it woke him. He had never heard a sound like that before. It sounded like a laugh or a giggle. He stood up and went to investigate. He saw a shaking bush beside where he was sleeping and cautiously moved away branches, revealing a small Chikorita. She was green and had a leaf sticking out of the top of her head.

Pikachu asked her where she lived, "Pika pika?"

"Chika, Chikorita," Chikorita replied.

Pikachu was amazed. She said she lives in the forest. "Pika?! Pika, pika pi?"

Chikorita nodded and smiled. She had been living in the forest all her life.

The two pokémon settled back into bed after a long conversation, and they slept soundly without interruption until morning.

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