Chapter Thirteen: Alone With The Boss

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As he ate, Pikachu and Chikorita did not speak. Pikachu was deep in thought. Getting food would be hard in this city, and he didn't want to risk anyone calling Pokemon Control. He decided that his best choice would be to find Ash. After all, Ash fed him and gave him a bed to sleep in. They were best friends, and ever since that time in the forest, Pikachu regretted giving up on Ash and not going with him. Maybe Chikorita could live with them too, if they ever found him.

Pikachu told Chikorita that he changed his mind, and that he would go looking for Ash. She nodded and, after they finished eating, walked out into the street in search of Ash.

Ash was shocked and appalled when he found out  that Officer Jenny had been working for Team Rocket all along. Her boss continued, unaware of Ash's presence. "I was meaning to tell you that we are relocating, as this building is too difficult to diguise and we have found a better location."

"What are they going to do with this building?" Jenny asked.

"Demolish it, most likely. In fact, Jessie and James plan to burn it down tonight. You might want to gather up all of your things and go home for the night."

Jenny nodded and disappeared behind a door into her office. Minutes later she reurned with a big box of office supplies, and left out the door. She did not return, leaving Ash alone with the boss.

"Ah, now who is this?" The boss said.

Ash froze and held his breath.

"Come now," he continued. "show yourself. I don't mean you any harm."

Ash peeked around the corner hesitantly. The man smiled at him. Ash stepped into view.

"Oh, it's that boy with the pikachu. Ash I presume?"

He nodded.

"Well then, where is he? The pikachu, I mean."

Ash looked down at his feet,

"Oh, that's too bad. Is he lost?"

"Not exactly," Ash whispered as he teared up.

Ash did not speak for the rest of the one-way conversation between him and the boss.

Pikachu knew where to look first: the old gray building next to the Pokemon Center. Him and Chikorita quietly tiptoed to the building, found the rusty stairs, and cautiously climbed them. When they reached the top, they found the trapdoor, and opened it with a great force of strength. Pikachu was the first to go down, followed by Chikorita. They heard a voice, but not Ash's. It was deeper and sounded evil. There was no other way to describe it. They decided that this building was a bad idea, and left back up the trapdoor and down the rusty stairs.

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