Chapter 46

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[Alaric is laying on couch and talking to Emma.]
Alaric: Vampires, werewolves, dragons. I mean, I have faced... terrifying danger in my life. But there's only one day in my calendar marked with a black "X." One day I... fear above all others. Because if I have to hear somebody sing how many minutes there are in a year... one more time... I'm gonna throw myself to the unicorn.
Audrey rolls her eyes at Alaric's complaining.
Emma: (laughs) So why don't you play hooky with me?
Alaric: (Laughs) What?
Emma: The latest creature is harmless, your daughters are playing nice, and no one... is paying attention to school. So give yourself the day off.
[Unicorn is eating. Dorian is talking to it.]
Dorian: Look at you. Eating hay. Acting all innocent. You might have fooled everybody else, but I got my eye on you, okay? Yeah. That's right. [Slug crawls up Dorian's leg.]
"He is getting infected, too?" Asked Hayley.
Dorian: "It's a unicorn, Dorian. Don't hurt the unicorn." Unicorn.
Lizzie: And a five, six, seven, eight.
[Music starts and witches start dancing. They keep messing up and accidentaly hitting each other. Lizzie stops them.]
Lizzie: Looks like we haven't been practicing. And some of your outfits must have shrunk. Or maybe there were just too many late-night visits to the ca... [Electro shock hits Lizzie from her bracelet.]
Lizzie: But it's fine. We'll adjust.
Caroline smiles at how hard Lizzie tries.
Lizzie: From the top. Josie? Where is Josie? [Josie comes in smiling and holding milkshake.]
Josie: (Exhales) Oh. (Gasps) Am I late?
Lizzie: Where are the canes?
Josie: (smiling) I don't know. I actually went to go find them, right? But then I was thinking, I don't feel like stressing about it.
Lizzie: Y-You didn't want...? Okay. That's fine. Why don't you just take your usual place?
Caroline again looks proud of Lizzie, so does Stefan.
Josie: Ah, about that. I was actually thinking, I really don't feel like being in the back row.
Lizzie: Uh, well, I know you haven't been practicing. But if you want to be in the front, you...
Josie: I mean, I just think we should scrap that lame routine, right? Do something totally different. It'd be super fun, right? And without the canes. It'd be fun. [Josie laughs.]
Lizzie: But, my beloved sister, this is the routine we do every year. Because we win. Every year.
"Because you are headmaster's daughter. Every year." Rolled her eyes Audrey.
Josie: I think I should sing a new song.
[Lizzie forcesa laugh.]
Josie: And then everybody can contribute some choreography, and it can be like a real... collaboration, hmm. Doesn't that just sound... nice? [Josie hugs Lizzie.]
[Jed enters the room and sees Audrey writing in her journal.]
Jed: (smiling) Here you are! I have been looking for you everywhere.
Audrey: (smiling) Why would that be?
"Don't you have classes?" Asked Elijah.
"In my defence, i'm under influence." Said Audrey.
Jed: I don't know how to plan talent show. I thought you could help.
Audrey: I would, but i'm working on song for me and Hope. Oh, wait. You could use the song i helped you write to process your feelings about your shitty father.
"Emma gave him a task to do something to express his feelings. So i helped." Said Audrey.
Jed: Parents?
Audrey: (smiling) Yep. You put your heart into writing the lyrics, i might have helped to make it sound better, but it is your song.
"Now i'm curious about it." Said Davina.
Jed: It won't have pack theme we usually use.
Audrey: Maybe, but i don't think they would mind.
Jed: (smiling) You are right. Thank you. I love you. [Jed hugs Audrey. Audrey hugs back.]
Audrey: I love you, too.
[The pack finishes dancing. Lela lays down on floor, looking exhausted. Slug crawls up in her ear.]
"It's still disgusting." Said Audrey. Everyone agreed.
[Everyone is laughing and playing around. Kaleb is sitting at table and sleeping. Slug crawls up in his ear and Kaleb wakes up.]
MG: All right, y'all. All right, hold on. I'm thinking maybe we could compel people to do stupid human tricks.
[Everyone boos and throws paper at him.]
"Really, MG?" Said Hope with deadpanned look.
MG: Okay, all right. Hold on. Is anyone up for stand-up comedy? Huh? [Everyone boos again.]
MG: Yeah? No. Okay. All right. Y'all don't want to do anything fun. (Scoffs) Man, this whole thing is a total waste of time.
Kaleb: Well, I guess we could just boycott the whole show. MG, we should be using this time to take a stand. Right? I mean, come on. (Smiles) Like, we-we should... We should... Uh, we should... We-we should sing. We should sing. We shou... ♪ We should sing ♪ ♪ That'll show 'em. ♪ [People cheer and apploude.]
Kaleb: Right? Huh? No, thank... Okay, okay. All right, you, get me a piano. MG, we're gonna need a spotlight. Everyone else, line up. I need to see how high you can kick.
[Lela and Rafael check cake.]
Lela: If it's gooey, then it's not done.
Rafael: Why did you bring me here again?
Lela: (smiling) Because everyone else is busy except you and it's more fun when you bake with friends.
"She really loves her cooking." Said Hope fondly.
Lela: The only thing... that would make this day better is if we went and got rid of that urn.
"Slugs can do it? Mind-control?" Asked Freya.
"Yes." Answered her nieces.
Rafael: I don't think it's good idea to throw away the object that Malivore creatures trying to get.
Lela: It'll be fun. It'll be friend road trip. We'll just grab the damn thing and take it wherever it leads us.
Rafael: From what that Necromancer said, Malivore is where that leads us, and we have no idea where that is. Are you feeling okay?
Lela: We can talk about it on the road.
Rafael: I... [Rafael notices the cake burning.]
Rafael: The cake. [Lela tries to turn it off and electricity hits her. Slug comes out of her ear and falls on table in front of her.]
"It's not bad idea. They could just use electricity to get them out of slugs control." Said Kol.
Lela: Oh... Oh, my God! What is that?
[Lela and Rafael look at slug.]
[Rafael and Lela are rushing to the exit. They meet Landon.]
Landon: Hey! Did something happen?
Rafael: Aren't you supposed to be with Hope?
Landon: Audrey kicked me out from their practice.
"He was distracting Hope." Defended Audrey.
Lela: We don't have time for this. Come on! [Rafael and Landon follow her.]
[Rafael, Landon and Lela approach.]
Lela: Mr. Williams, we need your help. Dr. Saltzman's been MIA, and this creepy slug came out of my ear. [Dorian turns around and shows them jar with killed slug.]
Dorian: Did it look like this?
Rafael: Yeah, exactly like that.
Dorian: This one tried getting into me.
"So he caught him." Said Maecel.
Dorian: I was hoping it was the only one. I think our harmless friend the unicorn brought it onto school grounds to infect all of us. [Unicorn stands up on two leds, makes a noise and falls.]
"Poor unicorn." Frowned Caroline.
Landon: See? Harmless.
[Hope and Audrey are wearing:]

Legacies(Season 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz