xlvi ; the yule ball

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sorry in advance


December 24, 1994


"I look like my great aunt Tessie." Ron moaned, tugging at the lace on his robes in the mirror. "I smell like my great aunt Tessie."

"It's not that bad." I lied, and Ron quickly shot around.

"What are those?" He gasped, his eyes widening as he gawked at my dress robes.

"Er- dress robes?" I shrugged, looking down at the rather basic robes Sirius had sent me.

"Well, those are alright!" Ron groaned, turning back to the mirror. "I can't go out with these!"

"It's not like your date will care." I joked, earning a punch from him on the shoulder. "Ow!"

"You deserve it! I can't believe you set me up with Christina Farraway." He growled as I rubbed my shoulder.

"Would you rather have not had a date at all?" I argued, shoving him back.

"Hey, mate, Christina Farraway's a bitch, but, damn, she's hot." Dean shrugged from his bed as he pulled on his shoes.

"Isn't she a lesbian?" Seamus asked, leaning against his four-poster bed frame.

"Aren't you gay?" Neville muttered as he adjusted his robes in the mirror next to Ron.

Everyone in the dorm bursted out into laughter, besides Seamus, who was practically steaming from the ears.

"Why does everyone think that?" He growled, stomping out of the dorm, slamming the door on his way out.


The entrance hall was packed with students too, all milling around waiting for eight o'clock, when the doors to the Great Hall would be thrown open. Those people who were meeting partners from different Houses were edging through the crowd trying to find one another.  Meanwhile, I was only trying to find one person.

Ron and I walked down the stairs, both of us searching for Jupiter and Hermione. Instead, we were greeted by our dates.

"Hello, boys!" Cora grinned, standing next to a grim-looking Christina. Cora was wearing a rather pretty pastel pink dress, which reminded me oddly of a cupcake, and Christina was dawned in a simple, form-fitting silk red dress.

I met Christina's deadly gaze, then diverted my attention back to Cora. "Er- Cora, you look really pretty." I said, causing her to light up.

"Thank you!" She smiled sheepishly.

"Uh... Christina, you-" Ron started, but Christina held up a hand.


"Thank Merlin." Ron sighed helplessly, acting like a huge weight was just taken off his shoulders.

"Woah." Cora gasped, her eyes looking past me. Ron and I quickly turned around, and that's when I saw her. There she was, standing at the top of the staircase next to Hermione. I had always known Jupiter was beautiful, but now I was feeling like my knees were going to give out. Her brown hair  had been curled lightly and was draped over her bare shoulders. Her dark dress rested gently below her hair, flowing down in short, frilly layers and pooled out at the bottom. It was black, shining with every movement, like specs of diamonds were littered throughout.

She walked down the stairs, holding up her dress by one of the frills so she wouldn't trip on it in her rather tall, glittery heels. As she reached the bottom of the staircase, she let her dress go and glanced up at me. Her brown eyes met mine, and for a moment, I could see them soften. Her light smile faded, and her eyes began to well with tears as she froze in the center of the hall. She looked to the floor, her bottom lip trembling.

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