xiv ; saved by the wolf

252 21 5

sorry for lack of updates for so long i've been super busy with school work


  It was no surprise that Neville Longbottom quickly became an outcast. He had been banned from all future Hogsmeade visits, given detention, and to add to it all, nobody was allowed to give him the password. Poor Neville was forced to wait outside the common room every night for somebody to let him in.

Throughout the day, the Hogwarts staff began to quickly tighten security measures. Professor Flitwick taught the doors how to recognize Sirius Black, Filch was boarding up every tiny crack or mouse hole in the walls, and Sir Cadogan had been fired. (Finally.)

The ability to relish his absence was very short-lived because the next thing Jupiter knew, there were four security trolls standing in front of the Fat Lady.

"D'you reckon we should tell someone?" Harry asked, his mind on the One-Eyed-Witch passageway.

"If that gets boarded up, you'll never be able to go to Hogsmeade again," Jupiter shrugged, and Harry nodded.

"Besides, we know he's not coming in through Honeydukes," Ron said. "We'd've heard if the shop had been broken into."

Ron had become something of a celebrity around Hogwarts, and it was becoming rather annoying for Jupiter to have to sit and listen to him tell the story over and over again to anyone who would listen.

"Why did he run away?" He asked himself after the two second years he was yapping to scurried away.

"What do you mean?" Jupiter asked him as they walked down the corridor to the Great Hall.

"I mean, he could've killed me once he realized he had the wrong bed. It would've been easy to just—" He imitated stabbing someone. "Then move onto Harry."

"I suppose by the time he killed you and Harry, he would've had to kill everyone in the dorms then the teachers. A lot of work, honestly," Jupiter said.

"You talk like you know," Harry joked.

"Maybe I do," she shrugged.

Before he could react to her joke, the school owls swooped into the Great Hall with the mail as usual, and Neville choked as a huge barn owl landed in front of him. It was carrying a scarlet envelope.

"Run for it, Neville," Ron said grimly. Jupiter recognized the letter immediately. She had gotten one her first year after Draco blabbed to her mother about her sorting.

Neville didn't need to be told twice. He grabbed the envelope and sprinted out of the hall. The Slytherin table burst into laughter at the sight of him running. Neville's grandmother's shrill voice could be heard from the entrance hall as the envelope exploded.

"Ouch!" Harry yelled, "oh! Thanks, Hedwig." He grabbed a letter from his owl's beak as it bit him.

It read:

"Dear Jove, Harry, and Ron,

How about having tea with me this afternoon 'round six?
I'll come and collect you from the castle.

Jupiter | Harry James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now