Chapter 26

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I went to my room, prayed and get ready for bed, not long enough Zaid came in, I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep

Zaid sighed and I felt the other side of the mattress drift a little, he laid on his side, 5 mins later, his arms wrapped around my frame moving me closer to him

He sigh "what do I do with you?" with a soft tone, He gently starts rubbing my back and I drift to sleep

I dreamt about having my baby, it's a baby girl and she looks like a carbon copy of me and Zaid, so beautiful and cute. We were happy in the dream, Me, Zaid and our baby.

"Baby, wake up" Zaid woke me up for subhi prayer, I prayed and did my morning azkar as I wait for Zaid to come back but he is not back, it is almost 7:00

A message came from Zaid "I'm sorry, something came up, I will come soon" I sighed and go back to bed

I woke up by the noise from downstairs, "Zaid must be back" I thought, i freshen up and went downstairs, I saw breakfast on the dining table, I smiled knowing it was Zaid

It doesn't taste the same as Zaid's and it was a little off but I still eat it because Zaid took time to make breakfast for me

After I finished eating, I went to Zaid's room to find him getting ready for work, I walked up to him hugging him from behind

"Thank you for the breakfast, love" I said watching him through the mirror, he smiled saying "I didn't make it, Malika-" i quickly let go of him and a frown settled on my face

"What brought her here and did she make the breakfast?" I asked and he nod turning around "She came with Zarah and Laila but they went back home because you were sleeping"

"She wanted to be the bigger person and apologize for yesterday" he said sarcastically, I scoff rolling my eyes "I didn't do anything to her but now I wish I did and FYI I am 5'3 and so small, I can't be the bigger person"

Zaid sighed saying "I don't want arguments please, not on this matter" "Wai why are you defending her so much? I am your wife and you believe her over me, who is she to you mah?" I said

"What's wrong with you?" Zaid said "I don't have time for this" i said turning to leave because my stomach is starting to hurt

Zaid held my hand stopping me "We will talk when I get back from work" he said "I don't want to talk to you so don't even bother, I'd like it if you stay away from me for a while" i said knowing I don't mean any of that

Zaid let go of my hand and I walked away not turning back because I know if it see his Face I'd feel guilty and I don't want that, not now

I laid on my bed, My stomach is hurting so bad, few minutes later, Zaid knocked at the door "I'm sorry to disturb you but I am off to work and I am very sorry for earlier" he said leaving

I wanted to stop him but I didn't, I took my medicine and went back to bed, I eventually fall asleep but woke up by the sharp pain in my lower abdomen

I felt something wet and I moved a little bit to see a pool of blood on my sheet, No it can't be, my baby, The pain is too much, I can't handle it

I grab my phone and call Zaid but he rejected the call, I called again and again but he reject the call, he must be angry, I tried again and again but no answer until I eventually give up

Mami and Baba are not in town and I don't want to make them worried, I was there for almost 30 minutes and the pain is only intensifying not knowing what to do when a call came through

"Nadia, I'm in town" Aunty Ayse's said excitedly and I felt relieved, "Aunty please help me, my baby-" I managed to say "Nadia, Are you okay? What's wrong?" She said

"I am losing my baby" i said "Where are you now and where's your husband?" She said "I am at home, please hurry up and there's key under the flower vase by the door" I said

20 painful minutes later, Aunty Ayse came in calling my name, i answered letting her know where I am, I lose unconscious the moment she came in

I woke up at the hospital, I glanced at the clock and it is almost 5:00 pm, Aunty Ayse quickly moved to me, observing me closely "How's my baby?" That's the first thing I asked "I'm sorry Nadia" she replied

The doctor came in and ask Aunty Ayse to leave us for a minute, "How are you feeling?" He asked "Fine" I replied "You could have killed yourself because you lost so much blood, you could have seek medical advice before taking the pills-" he said

"Pills, what pills are you talking about?" I asked clearly confused, "You didn't take any pills?" He asked and I nodded

"Well the tests shows you took abortion pills" he said, my mind went back to the pancakes and Zaid said Malika made it and she said "you will see" the other day

"There are complications but we are not sure yet. We have to wait for the results" he said leaving, Tear filled my eyes, "What did I ever do to her?" I thought

Aunty Ayse came in "What did the doctor say?" She asked "Nothing important, they are still running tests" I replied and she respond with a nod

Zaid is not here, I laid down,hoping to sleep and wake up to see this is just a nightmare. I slept and when I woke up I saw Zaid holding my hand as he sleeps

I pulled my hand away from him, turning around. "Nadia" He called out but I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep

"Nadia, please I am sorry." He said but I ignored him "please don't do this, I'm so sorry. You can get mad at me, yell, scream, do whatever you want but please don't be angry with me like this" he said and the waterwork starts

"I can handle anything but I can't handle it when you are silent and don't want to talk to me, I can't handle it. I'm sorry, please talk to me" He continued

"Zaid, I called you but you didn't answer, yo- you weren't there for me when I needed you, you fucked up" i said crying, "I know, I know but I am sorry please forgive me" he said desperately

"You know the worst part of all this, your so-called sister killed my baby, Malika drugged me" i said in restricting myself from shouting

Zaid's eyes widened and his mouth dropped, he start shaking his head





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