Chapter 32

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"I am sorry" He said breathing out, "I'm sorry, Nadia please come back to me, pleasee, pleasee, pleasee. I should have trusted you, please forgive me and come back home, I promise i will be good to you, I promise." Zaid pleaded with tears filling his eyes

"I- i don't know what to do" Nadia said her voice breaking "We are not happy Zaid like you said, I feel suffocated in that house and in less than a year I lost a lot, I cried more than I ever did in my entire life." Tear spilled from her eyes and she wiped them immediately

"Yes, I experienced a lot of happiness and happy moments, you are good to me, too good but Zaid I can't do this anymore, I am tired, we are suffering." Nadia said

"You are leaving me forever?" Zaid said sounding more like a statement, Nadia shake her head negatively even though her mouth says something completely different "Yes, my father will talk to your elders about it"

"That's it, we are done?" Zaid asked, Nadia nod, she loves Zaid and she knows her parents are very serious about it when they said she is not going back to Zaid's house

"Will it make you happy? Our separation?" Zaid said, Nadia nodded unable to speak, tears falling from her red swollen eyes, the tip of her nose being red too

"Don't nod, I need an answer" Zaid said, "Yes, I'm tired of this" Nadia said through grit teeth, her heartbreaking and the look on Zaid's face is unreadable

"You are tired you said, Is 6 months rest enough for you?" He asked stepping forward "1 year? 2?" He asked desperately holding Nadia's arms "Yes" she nodded hysterically

"2 years" he repeat "2 years, I will come back for you in 2 years" He said " I will wait for you Nadia and you will be mine again. I- I love you. Please don't leave me, pleasee" Zaid said as a stray tear rolled down from his eyes

Zaid left after that, that's it. Nadia let out an earth shattering cry, her entire body was shaking, Zarah and Ya Muhammad quickly ran to her, trying to comfort her but it was all in vain


A Short chapter




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