Chapter 33

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2 years later - Nadia's pov

"Mami, We are going!" I shout running to the car "You dropped your keys" Mami said behind me, I ran back inside collecting the keys, Labiba laughed at me for being clumsy

"Thank you Mami" I said kissing her cheeks "Drop this at Zarah's place on your way please" Mami said handing me a warmer"Ok, what's inside?" I asked

"None of your business, now hurry up or you will miss the lecture" Mami said, I kissed her goodbye and run to the car

We drove up to school, we just arrived there when Laura called "Kai wai the class was cancelled" she said angrily "Saida nazo sannan, 1-0 walai"

"Come on, let's go. We are outside too" I grumbled, Laura burst into laughter hanging up the call. We were waiting for Laura when I saw someone who looks just like Zaid

I was looking at him when Laura came "Ke what are you looking at?" She asked "Nothing" I said starting the car

I never heard from Zaid again ever since that morning, No one talks about him to me or in front of me, All I know is that he is abroad now

I made sure Mami and Ammi reconciled, even though Mami didn't want to, things are good between them now but not like before we are getting there dai

We went to Zarah's, "Where's my package?" Is the first thing she said when she saw us "What happened to Hello, how are you? Let's go back since all she care about is food" Labiba said

"Noo, I'm sorry! I am happy to see you guy and it's not my fault but the baby's" She said, well Zarah is heavily pregnant and obsessed with Mami's Tuwo and Miyan kuka

We went inside taking a sit, Zarah collect the warmer and head straight to the kitchen "Did you went shopping? What did you buy for us?" Laura asked checking the bags near the table

Zarah came back with her food now in a plate "Zaid bought i-" she started but shut her mouth looking at me for any reaction, "you know you can talk about your brother right? It's okay" I said

"Ok, Zaid bought it for me, he came back last night. He got something for the baby too, check it out" Zarah says as she starts eating

"Acici" i said chuckling "So you won't even get water for us?" I continued, she stopped and rolled her eyes "it is not your first time here so go get it yourself, ko tausai bakida shi. I stand and sit with so much difficulty kikeso na kawo miki ruwa"

"Sorry, Mrs Muhammad, I will go get it myself" i said standing up "get one for me too" Labiba said "me too" Laura added

I went to the kitchen sighing in relief Zaid is back, Zaid is back, he is back after 2 years My brain keep repeating, I am happy and scared at the same time

I settled my breath and came back with the water, keep it on the table, we were discussing about Laura's wedding which is in 2 months and Labiba's which is in 6 month

"Thank god I'm not pregnant at the time, I will dance my soul out" Zarah said munching on some fruits looking at her phone

"Shit, some of Muhammad's friends are coming over, I totally forgot and I don't want to cook walai even though he said I shouldn't bother cooking, can anyone of you help me cook please" she said finishing with puppy eyes

Labiba and Laura pretend to be busy "Pleasee" she said again looking at me "Fine" I sighed and she instantly smiled making me smile too, Zarah and Labiba are like the sisters I never had

"What do you want to make?" I asked "Butter chicken biryani and salad" she said "And cake for the baby" she finishes sleepily, I rolled my eyes and get to work in the kitchen

I remember the time Zaid and I made it, I was surprised he knows how to cook, it is one of my favorite memory with him. losing Zaid still hurts and I miss him with every passing moment but I hide it well

I finished by Asr, Laura's fiancé picked her up leaving me and Labiba there, we just finished praying when Labiba's phone starts beeping, she checked in a hurry then Zarah's phone starts beeping too

"Nadia, we have to go" Labiba said holding my hand, "Yeah, yeah you guys should get going!" Zarah said ushering us to hurry "wai what's wrong?" I asked

"I have to collect my dress from the tailor and he will be closing soon" Labiba said, I looked at them suspiciously "Okay let me set the table for Zarah then we can get going" i said going to the kitchen

They followed me to the kitchen "I can do it seriously" Zarah said "Yes she can" Labiba added "Let's do it together then" I said and they nod moving in hurry

We finished everything and made our way to the door when it rings "Shit" they said behind me. I moved opening the door

Zaid, Zaid is at the door, standing in front of me. He looks more handsome and just perfect. We made eye contact and I immediately averted my eyes somewhere

I could feel his hot gaze on me, I moved giving him space to pass, he came inside and I walked out of the house meeting Ya Muhammad, Al-Amin and Ahmad, i greeted them and walked away

Labiba stopped to talk to her fiancé Ahmad, I walked to the car breathing heavily "Are you okay?" Zaid said behind me

I turned looking at him "Yes" I said coldly "How have you been?" He asked again "Fine, U?" I replied "Alhamdulillah" he said and I nod

"Are you stil-" He started but was cut off by Labiba "Let's go Nadia" she said entering the car, i nod at her "I will see you soon" he said leaving

I entered the car and we drove off "Are you still going to the tailor?" I asked Labiba "What tailor?" She said "Ohh, I changed my mind, I will get it some other time" she said when it hits her

We arrived home and I went straight to my room locking the door behind me, tears escaped my eyes, one, then another and another, I couldn't stop it

After crying, I went to Mami, "What's wrong baby?" Mami asked "Nothing" I said, she opened her mouth to say something but decide against it

We spend the rest of the time until 10:00 pm, I bid Mami and Baba good night, I went to my room checking my phone when I saw a message from Zaid's number




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