Chapter 30

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Third person's pov

Nadia went to her room, showered and pray then drift to sleep, Zaid slumped on the couch regretting what he said to Nadia

He feels guilty for what he did, she doesn't deserve it, Ammi was on his neck for the past few days and Nadia is hiding stuffs from him

Nadia became very depressed over the week, she is not sleeping well, barely eats and always staring into an empty space

Zaid goes out early and returns home very late, he feels guilty about everything even though he still believes Malika wouldn't do such a thing because he knows her ever since

Ammi is still pressurizing Zaid on marrying Malika, saying she was giving to him way before by Mother

Mami is worried about Nadia's behavior and sickness, Labiba told her everything and even show her the pictures she took of Nadia's face when Ammi slapped her

Mami was so heartbroken and sad, wondering why Nadia hid such things from her, "I'm coming back today" Mami said hanging up

Nadia's pov

Mami called me early in the morning, tell me she's back and should come home because she have something for me, I got ready and left immediately

"Mamiiii" I ran hugging her "I missed you so much" I said pulling back from the hug, "What's wrong Mami?" I questioned sitting down next to her

Tears erupted from her eyes "You stupid, fool" she said hugging me for about 2 minutes "You think you are all grown up just because you are almost as tall as mother right? Mami said sadly

"If you were having a hard time, you should have tell your mother immediately, if you were sick, you should have tell your mother immediately, if you were in pain, you should have told me Nadia. Why do you make me a bad mother? Why?" Mami cried and my body stiffed

"Why did you have to go through that alone? Look at you, I'm so sorry baby, you went through that alone but I'm here now" Mami said crying then she wiped her eyes "You are not going back to that house again" Mami declares

I felt relieved and also sad and heartbroken at Mami's words, I love Zaid and I know he loves me too, I'd love to stay with him forever but I can't, I simply can't.

I was waiting for those words, I know Mami will stand by me now through everything and everything.

"What do you mean by she's not going back to that house again?" Baba said from behind "What you heard me saying, that's what I mean" Mami said looking at him

"You have to think about it, don't make decision-" Baba started and Mami cut him off "Ibrahim, my daughter is not going anywhere, she will stay with me." Mami said

My eyes widened in shock, that's the first time I heard Mami called Baba by his name "Ibrahim" Baba repeated after her, I immediately stood up and leaving the place

After 30 minutes, Baba called for me, I salaam-ed, they answered "Come and sit here" Baba said patting the space between him and Mami, I sat there playing with my ring

"Tell us everything, don't leave anything out!" Baba said and I started... I told them everything, Mami was foaming with anger

"Bilkisu slapped you 4 times?" She said "she slapped you and did all those things to you, there's always two sides of a story and no one bothered to listen to you" Mami said

"Walai I will teach her a lesson, d'a bafin d'a yayi ba, zatasan wacece Faiza." Mami said standing up "You are not going to do anything" Baba said strictly

"She slapped my daughter!" Mami told him as if he don't know "Zaki rama mata ne?" Baba asked "Eh, in ta kama sai na rama mata, We gave Nadia as Amana but look what happened, I'm disappointed in Bilkisu wallahi" Mami said in anger

"You will not go to the Yusuf's and will not do anything, my daughter is not going back to that house" Baba said calmly, he looks calm on the outside but I know he is definitely angry

Baba left and Mami start making my favorite food, Labiba came downstairs "Nady" she called out, running towards me.

"Biba" i said as we hugged each other, "We have alot to talk about" Biba said "And we have all the time to talk about it since I am back home now" I said smiling even though my heart is broken

"What do you mean by-, let's go help Mami in the kitchen" Biba said dragging me, we cooked and set the table then prayed

Baba came back from jumaah prayer, Ya Muhammad is no way to be found, we called him but he is not answering,

He heard Ya Muhammad salaamed and our attention turned to him as we answered. Ya Muhammad holding Zarah's hand, her eyes are red and swollen and she is shaking

"Muhammad, Zarah what happened?" Mami asked walking towards them, Zarah quickly hid behind Ya Muhammad "What's wrong?" Mami asked voice laced with worry

"We got married!" Ya Muhammad said and everyone's eyes widened in surprise, "You what?" Mami asked shocked "We got married" Ya Muhammad repeat looking at Mami

"Okayyy... Come in and have a sit" Mami said softly, "Nadia go and get water for Zarah" Mami said and i nod in a hurry

I got the water and hand it over to Zarah "Drink" Mami said and Zarah did as she was told immediately

"Are you okay now?" Mami asked Zarah who nod at her frantically, "Now Muhammad, tell me what happened" she said

"...After what happened between Nadia and Malika, Malika will not be able to walk normally again and Ammi held Nadia accountable for it, she said Zarah will not marry me because I am Nadia's brother and she will find a suitor for Zarah"

"We begged her but she refused to and I know if I tell you it will take long time so I talked to my grandfather and she talked to hers, they got us married. We went to Zarah's but Ammi didn't accept the marriage and Abba is not home" Ya Muhammad finished

"Welcome to the family dear" Mami said smiling at Zarah "Nadia take her to your room pleasee" I did as I was told immediately

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