Chapter 31

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Third person's pov

Baba heard everything that happened, After a while, the guards called saying Alhaji Yusuf is at the gate and Baba said to let him in

Abba salaamed and Baba answered, refreshment was brought and after minutes of silence Abba said "You saw me at the Mosque?" "Yes" Baba answered

What happened was Abba saw Baba in the mosque today, he talked to him but Baba ignored him walking away

Abba nodded, "Wallahi I didn't know what was happening with Zaid and Nadia until Yesterday when I asked about her and Bilkisu told me, what they did was unfair and I am not proud of it, we failed you guys, I know Nadia wouldn't do stuff like that because she is a good girl" Abba said

He continues "About Zarah and Muhammad, I know since Yesterday when her grandfather contacted me, I wanted to tell you about it earlier but-"

"I will not ask you to excuse my wife or son's behavior, they hurt the poor girl physically and emotionally. But My Zarah, she did nothing wrong..." Baba cut him up saying "Faiza accepted her with opened arms"

They talked and even managed to save their friendship, after hours of talks "Can I see Zarah?" Abba said, Zarah was called and Baba gave them space

He did Nasiha for her and gave her advice, "Don't worry, Your Mother will calm down, okay?" He said and she nod, Abba left after making sure he got the recording of Malika confessing

Abba called Zaid, he scolded him "Nadia left, you lost a rare gem son. You will never find another like her, when you realize your mistake, you will go and ask for her forgiveness, I hope it is not too late by then" Abba said

"I sent you a recording, listen to it when you get home" Abba said and Zaid nod leaving. He entered his car and drove home.

The first thing he did was check the CCTV footage of that day and turn out Nadia is right, Malika added something to the pancake after she finished making the ones she served him

His blood ran cold as he played the recording Abba sent him, the day Malika fell down the stairs, he found out is not Nadia's fault

He wished he could turn back the time or something, he deeply regret not believing his wife.

He take his car keys and drove to the Ibrahim's, The guard let him in knowing he is the son in-law of the family and Muhammad's friend

He salaamed and entered the living room, Mami answered looking at him like he sure got some guts to come here

They exchanged greetings "Can I see Nadia please?" He asked and Mami replied "No" she kept quiet for a while then she continued "Zaid, you hurt my daughter, you made her unhappy, you made her cry, she is my ray of sunshine and I can't just hand her back to you when you prove to me that you can't take care of her"

"I love my children more than anything in the world, I can't stand them being hurt. You destroy her self esteem and you-" she stopped and sigh

"Her life was placed in very great danger all because of you, maybe one day she will turn up dead because of you" Mami said angrily "I am disappointed in you" she said leaving

Zaid let Mami's words sink in before standing to leave, Nadia heard everything Mami said and ran to her room

She stood by the window looking at Zaid who just walked out of the house, he raised his head looking at her window

They made eye contacts and she quickly closed the curtains, Zaid entered his car and drove off to the Yusuf's

He checked the footage of the accident and seeing what happened, he stormed out furiously

Zaid didn't stop anywhere until he reached where Malika is "Zaid, welcome back! You see my legs are-" she stopped talking when she noticed his eyes which are bloodshot red

"What happened?" She quickly picked her crutches standing up trying to cup Zaid's face, Zaid slapped her hands away

"Don't you dare touch me" He spits darkly "Did I do something wrong?" She asked him genuinely concerned "Nadia said something about me right, that snake, she is ly-"

Zaid cut her off delivering two hot slaps on her cheeks, she lost her balance falling down "Don't ever disrespect my wife again because it won't be good next time you try shit like this" Zaid said

"Park your stuffs and leave this house, don't ever come back again and don't let me see you again because I don't know what I'd do to you" Zaid said turning around

Malika grabbed his leg "Please Zaid, please forgive me, I did that all of you, just so I could have you. Please Zaid don't leave me" she said

"What is happening here?" Ammi came "Ammi please help me, Ask Zaid to forgive me, Wallahi bazani kara ba" she plead

"Zaid-" Ammi started but he showed her the evidence against Malika, "What is this?" Ammi question Malika and Zaid just turn and leave

He went home not knowing what to do, he didn't sleep at all that night, he felt like he lost a huge part of him

Early in the morning, He called Muhammad begging him to allow him some few minutes with Nadia

Ya Muhammad called Nadia asking her to met him in the garden, she put on her hijab and went out

She halt on her tracks when she saw Zaid, "What are you doing here?" She asked him looking around in a hurry "You could get in trouble" she scolded





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