Chapter 29

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"What did you do?" Zaid said again "it- it was a mis- mistake, a mistake. Walai I didn't push her on purpose" I said my voice shaking and tear pouring down from my eyes

"You have to leave, nobody should see you here" Zaid said fast moving to check if Malika is breathing

"What is happening here- Inalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun" Ammi screamed at the top of her lungs as she ran towards Malika's frail body

Everyone came out running to see what is happening and they all gasped when they see Malika's body lying on the floor looking lifeless

She is conscious but barely moving and very weak, she whispers something to Ammi, Ammi moved her ear close to Malika to hear what she is saying

Ammi looked up, giving me a deathly look, my body trembling with fear, I took a step back tripping over my dress but i caught myself in time.

I picked my phone up from the ground and run to Zarah's room locking myself in the bathroom, I called Mami and Baba but the call was not going through

I called Ya Muhammad and he answered on the second ring "Hey sis" he said "Ya Muhammad, please help me. I think I killed someone, I don't know what to do. Please help me" I said with trembling voice

"What? Where are you?" He asked quickly "At my in-law's" i said crying "I'm on my way" he replied "please hurry up" i said cutting the call.

I cried my eyes out then decide to go out and see what's happening, Malika is no longer there and the blood too

I saw doctors coming out of the room downstairs, Ammi and Zaid following them behind, The doctors left and Ammi came back glaring at me

She made her way upstairs coming towards me and I moved back until I met the wall "It was-" I started but Ammi shut me up with a slap

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath and Another slap landed on my face then another then another. My eyes are still closed expecting another to land

"Ammi stop, I know you are my mother but don't ever hit my wife again" I opened my eyes to see Zaid's back, he standing between Ammi and I, Ammi's hand is raised mid air

"You are saying this kind of stuff to me because of your wife, didn't you see what she did? She pushed the poor girl" Ammi said angrily

Ya Muhammad came in, Zaid turned to me patting my head and running his fingers softly on my red cheeks that now have imprints of Ammi's fingers

"Follow Muhammad, He will take you home, Malika is fine, don't worry" he said softly and I nod tear running down my cheeks, Zaid gently wipe my tears ushering me to go

When I reached the stairs Ammi started talking "If something happens to Malika, you will see the bad side of me" i halt on my track turning around to see Ammi looking at me

Zaid nodded at me smiling gently, encourage me to go and I turn leaving with Ya Muhammad.

I broke down the second I entered the car, Ya Muhammad didn't say a thing to me, letting me be, He drove me to my house and I saw Labiba standing by the door, Ya Muhammad must've called her

We sat down in the living room as I tell them everything that happened, playing what I recorded earlier for them, that's the main reason I confronted Malika, to get the recording

I dozed off on the couch due to stress and fatigue, when I woke up, Ya Muhammad and Labiba forced me to eat even though I don't have appetite

I begged them not to tell Mami and Baba about what happened since Malika is feeling better and it will only complicate things

Mami called me, when she noticed change in my voice she asked if I am okay and I told her I'm not feeling well "Am I going to be a grandmother? I think this is too much" Mami said excitedly and my heart sink

"Mami, my food is burning, I'm sorry I have to go" i said in a hurry cutting the call

I fall asleep again and when I woke up i saw Zaid sleeping on the couch beside me, he looked stressed

I moved to get up but he held me back, "let's stay like this for a while" he said softly, tear filled my eyes and I snuggled into Zaid's arms

I cried silently into his chest "I'm sorry I didn't do anything earlier when Ammi slapp-" He couldn't finish the word so he kept quiet then he continued "I was supposed to protect you but I failed you" he said sounding guilty

"How's Malika" i asked genuinely worried, "Well she's okay but she had a fracture on her leg and she injured her head, other than that she's fine" Zaid said in a nonchalant tone and I nod

"I'm hungry, let's cook something" he said getting up dragging me with him, we made pasta

"Why are you not eating?" He asked when he noticed I was playing with my food "I'm not hungry" i said and he forced me to eat

1 week later

We are going to the Yusuf's, enough hiding I thought to myself, I greeted Ammi and she refused to answer

When Malika wheeled to the living room Ammi asked me to leave because "Malika is scared and getting flashbacks of the evil thing you did to her" Those were her exact words

Zaid hand me his keys asking me to wait for him in the car, he will talk to Ammi and come meet me

I stood and leave, reaching the door Ammi said loudly "Zaid you are to marry Malika when she gets better because you can't be with someone who is barren" My feet refused to move and my heart sank

I breathed in and out before walking away, I entered Zaid's car and drove off, not waiting for him to come out.

I went home and before I even drop my bag Zaid came in "I told you to wait for me" he said
"Maybe I don't want to wait for you" I replied

"You know what your problem is? You never listen, you just go ahead and do whatever you like, you just assume Malika drugged your food" He spit angrily

"Because that's what the docto-" I start but he cut me off "Is that why you push her down the stairs?" He questioned, we never spoke about the accident or anything concerning Malika until today

"It was an accident" I defended myself "Accident koh?" Zaid said scoffing"You think I'm lying?" I asked

"Well, that's all you do these days, you didn't tell me about-" He started "About having low chances of conceiving or being barren like your mother said? I was waiting for the right time, So what now are you going to marry Malika? The woman who wants to destroy our happiness?" I argued

"Which happiness? I'm not happy! We are not happy. And yes I will marry Malika" Zaid said and there's instant regret in his eyes, i picked my bag and went straight to my room

I'm sorry guys but I promise you it will get better

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