Chapter 11

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Jordana knocked at Allenby's front door but there was no answer. She walked over to the garage that was closed and peeked through its window. She could see her truck with the hood open. The lights were off and it was clear there was no one inside.

Jordana walked over to the street and got inside the passenger's seat of Noah's jeep. "Doesn't look like there's anyone home."

"That's so strange," said Noah. "It's not like Allenby to leave a customer hanging."

"She's probably grieving Ivy. It's okay. I completely understand."

"Should we head back home?"

"Actually." Jordana shifted on her seat as she turned her whole body towards Noah. He had a clear view of her cleavage and did his best not to stare. She knew what she was doing. "Can you do me a couple of favors?"

Noah had to look away, turning his head to his window. "A couple of favors? What are they?"

"First favor, can we look for Domingo?"

"Domingo?" said Noah, surprised as he turned to her. "Why do you want to see that drunk?"

"Be nice, farm boy," said Jordana, seductively. "You don't want to ruin your good boy reputation."

"I don't have a good boy reputation."

"You don't?" she said as she put her finger on his muscular arm and brushed it up and down. "Because that was the impression I had when I first met you and I like good boys."

Noah had to turn away again as he got red. "We can look for him, but I don't know for what."

"Aren't you curious by what he said last night?"

"No, he was drunk like he always is."

"Maybe true but it piqued my curiosity."

"You shouldn't entertain that man. He needs to get his life together."

"Then we'll help him get it together. I want to buy him some food today."

Noah looked at her, staring into her eyes, then turned his jeep on. "You're nice too. I also like nice girls."

Jordana smiled as she got comfortable in her seat. "Thank you, Noah. It's never a bad thing to help the less fortunate."

Noah drove around town for about a half an hour when they finally found Domingo coming out of the police station. Noah drove next to Domingo as Jordana poked her head out.

"Hey Domingo," she said.

He stopped and looked at her. He leaned forward as he got a really good look at her before standing up straight. "Do I know you?"

Jordana let out a slight chuckle then put her hand over her chest. "Oh, you don't remember me," she teased. "I'm so hurt."

"I'm sorry." Domingo was fidgeting with his hands as if he didn't know what to do. "My mind isn't always there and I forget a lot of things." He stared at her. "But I can't believe I could forget someone as beautiful as you."

Noah rolled his eyes.

"You're sweet," said Jordana. "You're sober right now, aren't you."

"I am."

"That's a first," said Noah.

"Stop," said Jordana as she turned to Noah. "Don't be rude."

Noah turned away. "Sorry," he said under his breath.

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