Crush?? / Love ??

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Kyo -  Hey Ai what's up

Ai- Kyo?? I am good What about you..

( Kyo has a huge crush on Ai since he was a kid same goes with Ai)

( Ryuen-Not acceptable no no nooo she is my daughter she does not like him noooo

Ibuki-Clam down she is a teenager...

Ryuen - Exactly.... A teenager Oi Monster ask your son to stay away from my PRINCESS

Class C and rest -😅Princess

Kiyotaka - I can't do anything... It's my Future son...

Ryuen - Do something Mio...

Ibuki - Mio?? Kakeru YOU CAN'T SHE IS A TEENAGER...

Arisu- Seems like the kids would be born before expected...

Kei - Seems like it na Kiyotaka


Ai - Kyo... How are you doing...

Kyo- I am doing just fine... Ai All the best in dealing with this school

Ai- Ayanokoji Kyo I am the daughter of Ryen Kakeru and Ryurn Mio.... Ryuen Ai ( she lifts her leg to his chest) And my pappa and mamma raised me we'll... Surely I have Sakayanaki Akio in my class but I will dominate the class and Aki is also smart... I am not that bad aren't I Kyo...

Kyo-(😏Smirks) ( He catches her leg and pins her to the wall and moves near to her face) Ai... Dominate your class... But try me it wont work... Kakeru San sure raised you we'll... But... Ai ... Take care ... (He pulls her close) Ai... Welcome to High school... (He winks 😉 at her ) ( He walks away as Ai follows him)

Ai- (blushing) Thank you Kyo (mind) Kyo was is it really necessary to pin me against the wall... Ughh  this guy he looks amazing... And his body is so powerful... Such an Athletic  and Martial Arts figure ... Ughhh first day of school and this happened...)

Kyosuke - Oi Kyo Hey Ai... Can I borrow Kyo for a while

Ai - Sure 😅 Actually I am gonna leave...

Kyosuke - Her uniform was crumbled what did you do?

Kyo- Pinned her to the wall... That's it... Wait you came back after flirting with Horikita Tsubasa... Man should I remind you that she is Manabaes  and Akanes daughter...

( They have 2children

Horikita Tsubasa Class 2-B

Horikita Takumi Class 2-A )

Kyosuke- You just pinned Kakeru sans daughter... To the wall we both on the same boat ...

Kyo-Facts.. ✌

Kyosuke- Well you know what I was reading in the Library with Tsubasa ... That's it... Unlike you I wasn't flirting

Kyo-TRASNALATIN Takumi was there

Kyosuke- Facts...

( Manabu- Ayanokoji your son is in love with my daughter.... Should I accept it

Akane- Teenage Love....

Ruyen - Kyo is in love with my princess Mio...

Kei - I wonder if Kyoko is in love with anyone?

Kiyotaka- No she is not I don't accept it

Chi- Well she is in love with Izumi so does him

Kiyotaka- No she is my daughter I won't allow her to date a guy she is a baby she is too young Kei why aren't you saying anything??

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