Pappa's Princess 👸🏻

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Kyoko - I am stressed😖😖😣

Ai - Even me too I am also too stressed 😖😫😣

Sara - Yeah! Even I am stressed😖😫😫...

Kyoko - I want to meet Pappa...

Ai- Me too

Sara - Even I want too...

Kyoko- I am gonna call pappa..

Kyoko-Hello pappa it's me Kyoko... Pappa..

Kiyotaka-Dear... How are you.... I am. At work 👨🏻‍💻...

Kyoko-Pappa... I.. I am stressed😖😫😣... I super stressed... Pappa I 😭😭🥺🥺( She starts crying) pappa... I...I.. I.. I...

Kiyotaka-Kyoko... Don't cry 😭 I will pick you up let me talk to Arisu... Baby don't cry...

( Kei - Your spoiling her

Kiyotaka- I am not... She is my daughter)


Ai - Pappa ...

Kakeru - Ai.. You sound 🔊dead 💀what's wrong ❌?

Ai- Papa..a (she starts crying)wahhh

Kakeru - Shhh.🤫... It's ok pappa will come and pick you up... Ok either way it's leave for two days

( Mio- Your spoiling her dear 💕

Kakeru- She is stressed.. She needs rest... Mio.. She is still a child)


Sara - Dad, I 😭( she also starts crying)

Ken - Sara...? What's wrong ❌?

Sara- I am stressed 😖😫😣dad...I can't focus on anything at all..

Ken - I will come and pick you up...

( Ken - She needs rest 💤😴...

Suzune- She should suffer for the best results...

Manabu- I accept with my sister)

Kiyotaka - Kyoko( she hugs him) Shh 🤫it's ok calm down... You need rest... Come on

Kyoko- Yes pappa... 😭😭

Kakeru - Ai... It's ok ( Wipes her tears 😢) Don't cry.. ( He hugs her)

Ai- Yes pappa... 😭😭

Ken- Sara... Don't take a lot of stress 😖... Come on baby 👶...

Sara - Yes pappa... 😭😭

(Kei/Mio/Suzanne( Kei was holding Kaori Mio was holding Katsuki and Kosei... While Suzune was holding Arata)

Kei - Kiyo spoils her a lot ..

Mio- Kakeru too

Suzune - Ken too . ..

Kei - We were never allowed such luxury... Arisu is too soft...I don't think past Kiyo would have allowed this..

Mio- Neither Kakeru would have allowed if he was his teen self...

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