She Saved me

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Chi - I have a shocking news for both Kei and Ayanokoji...

(Chairman - Oh well what Is it?

Ryuen - Well don't tell me they are parents

Chi- I mean they are .. .

Ichinose - That's the future

Chi - Well see this )

Chabashira sensei - Ayanokoji Kiyotaka and Karizawa Kei you both have visitors please follow me

Kei - I wonder who is visiting me?

Chabashira sensei - It's Ayanokoji 's father

Kiyotaka- Why would he want to meet Kei...

Chabashira sensei - I don't know

( They enter the room where  Atsuomi Ayanokōji was waiting for them)

Atsuomi - Kiyotaka and Kei well are you both dating

Kiyotaka- ( Slams the table with his hand and hold Kei ) What is wrong with you ?

Kei -  Kiyotaka..

Atsuomi - ( she he loves her maybe they should have children and I should experiment on them) I am leaving... You both can date but... If you end up marrying each other your kids would be in the white room

Kiyotaka- I will lock that room

( Kiyotaka explains Kei about the white room to which Kei hugged him and cried 😢)

Kiyotaka-(mind)When I helped Kei from Manabe she was just a tool for me...During Christmas Eve she because an Indespensable tool ... Then after a while she became my girlfriend or in my words A textbook for me to understand about ❤Love.. . But while later I understood that Kei is someone who I need in my life ... She always shows how she needs me ... But I don't but I know desperately I NEED HER ... I am in love with Karizawa Kei

( Arisu - Love ... So she changed him... 😌

Ryuen - Mom and Dad

Kei - Mou...

Ichika - Mom and Dad... ✨❤)

Kei - Kiyo your spacing out... Classes are over... Where do you think your going?

( Ike - Ayonokoji to Kiyotaka to Kiyo

Ibuke - They are dating...

Sato - I guess you both should get married)

Kiyotaka- Umm..

Kei - Yeah you were lost in your thoughts weren't you ?

Kiyotaka- I suppose yes (mind) The only person who I can never see as a tool .. So I guess no she is also not a tool... Kei I am desperately in love with you... Like why are you soo beautiful✨? Why are so good? Why are you soo kind?? Kei I am in love with you I need you in my life...

Kei - What's wrong your cheeks are flushed up?

Kiyotaka- Kei...

Kei - ( mind) Mou my heart skipped a beat

( Boys - Teach us your ways master

Kiyotaka-I don't know

Hyori - Kei... With just your name...

Sato - Her heart skipped a beat)

Kiyotaka- After High school... Which is after 1year ...And after University...My dad has one big company and the white room I will seal the white room and the Company is mine I will inherit the role of CEO... And then I will marry you so after high school Can I engage you please ... Cause with out you I am incomplete... But with you I feel complete... For me your my everything... Kei boys usually want a girls body... But looking into your eyes is more than enough for me... No worries I come from a rich family... I love you soo much .. Kei for others I am a monster but I don't know how I am the prince in your life ... But you have never ever teased me about my emotions despite me always showing you a poker face... Kei your one person that I need in my life... Without you I am nothing.. I never thought I would view anyone more than a tool at first you were a tool then you became an Indespensable tool then my girlfriend ... At first you were a textbook for me to study about love but I understood that your my life ... I am in love with you Kei.. I get jealous very fast... I am possessive .. I used to ignore these feelings but that drifted me away from you which hurted me... I used to ignore those feelings... Kei I realized that there are many girls who are in love with me but all I need is you ... It's true I am not good with emotions but for you I will change... Even if my father is against my decision I won't mind going against for you ... For you are my world... My life My heart my every thing... For me your my girlfriend / best friend/ friend / wife / lover everything I need.. . Your the person who I can call home ... You saved me from my darkness... Karizawa Kei I am in love with you... Thank you for everything Kei...

( His heart felt light... He smiled and then kissed her on her lips... This time it was with feelings and emotions)

Kei - ( Blushing mess) Kiy.. Otaka

( He confessed and kissed her in front of all in sence in the Hall where all the students and teachers are present )

Hirata - Congratulations🎉

Random - Wow thats true love

Suzune - True Love ✨

Sato - Congratulations Kei 🙂

( Arisu - fufu True Love ❤✨

Kiyotaka - You saved me from my darkness...

Chairman- I am genuinely happy for them...

Chabashira sensei - A girl really changed him...

Kei-(blushing mess) You smiled

Kiyotaka- Thank you Kei... Thank you for everything...

Sudo - Congratulations🎉

Ruyen - Kuku Beauty and the Beast

Kei- Mouuuu

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