Mio is pregnant ?

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Chi -( Kei is at Mios house... Mio s kid Kazue is with Mios parents where as Kaori is with Kiyotaka

The Ryuens household is big and modern )

Mio - Kei ,I have not been well lately...

Kei - Oh... What are your symptoms? Is it a common cold... ?

Mio - Kei I have been throwing up since the past 5months ... Once Kakeru saw me throwing up and he took care of me... Spicy food cravings... Headaches... Dizziness... And Nausea... I have a feeling that I am ( touches her stomach)

Kei- I think you should test your pregnancy... If yes... Take care

Mio - Today I and Kakeru decided to go for a walk while he is with my parents ... We would pick him and return...

Kei - You need to take care . .. Mio I am your friend feel free to ring me up if your not well..

Mio - Thank you Kei...

[ As soon as Kei leaves she throws up and then Ryuen comes and rubs her back gently ]

Kakeru - Mio? You good??? Want to go to the hospital ? 

Mio -  No , I am fine... Kakeru we have to pick up Kazue... Come on let's go

(In front of the drug store)

Mio - I need to buy othosan some vitamin D pills can you wait here for me Kakeru ...and I also need to you the restroom 

Kakeru - ( Hands his  black card 💳) Here you go... Mio I will wait here...Take your time ..

Mio - Hello .. Excuse me

Kaguya ( age 60)- Myself Kaguya what would you love dear?

Mio - Oh I would love a packet of Vitamin D tablets and a pregnancy test kit ... Do you have a restroom? 

Kaguya- Sure yes please go straight then to your right ..And here is the pregnancy test kit 

Mio- It's positive.. [ she is flushed up ] 

Kaguya-  Which high school do you attend? Aren't you too young dear... You and your Bf... ( points at Ryuen who is outside)

Mio - Oh! your mistaken he is my husband ...

Kaguya - Newly Married is it?

Mio- No no we have been married for the past 17 years.. . And I am a mother to 4kids ... I have one pair of triplets and one  3 year old daughter 
I have 2 sons and 2daughter

( Ibuki - I am pregnant?

Ryuen - Fufu  5 kids ( Mind) I hope she can handle it ....Can she handle this pain ? Can she ? Can she endure it all ? I am genuinely concerned about my wife 

Kei - Congratulations🎉

Ibuki - Thank you [ To Ibukis suprise ....none  noticed but Ryuens strong pair of arms touched her stomach to which she blushed and whispered back ] Kakeru What are you doing ? People will see ....

Ryuen - Mio I cant lose you no matter what.... Ok your my half ...and your the mother of my future kids ... So trust me I wont hurt you from now on ...Your womb has carried 4 and it will carry 1 more now .... So you need rest ... From now on your mine only mine [ he smirks] 

Ibuki - [ Blushes but whispers back] Sure Ryuen ... [ Mind ] Kakeru has a muscular body in short a well built figure .... and I dont have a good muscular figure ....Man when he have sex I MEAN IN THE FUTURE .... Its obious that he towers on my body....And I know him ....I can hold on to him Forever .... ] 

Kaguya - To even think that your married is impossible... You both betray your age  a lot... And your womb does not look like it has carried 4 children...I have 2 sons... And dear you should take care... I have grandkids so listen to me... I know your pregnant... It's ok... ( Touches her stomach) I guess it's been 5months ... Congratulations🎉

Mio - Thank you

Ryuen - Why did she touch your stomach..?

Mio- She was shocked when she heard that I have carried 4children ... She thought I was a high school...

Ryuen - ( Touches her stomach) Na surely... You look young... Your womb does not look like it has had kids... Whereas  your  mother of 4kids [ laughs ] 

Mio - Kakeru.. ( She takes his hand and places his hand on her stomach ) I am pregnant...

Kakeru- Huh... What? Mio what ? 

Mio - I am not joking... Cause I am...DONT TELL MY PARENTS .... 

( Kiyotaka - He got her pregnant again....

Kei- [ Pinchs Kiyotakas cheeks ] Its their life 

Ryuen - Mio it's ok ] 

Kakeru - HUHHHHHH WHAT .... Dont tell your parents ....what [ both of them were flushed up ] How long ...

Mio - I think for 5months for now ..I got tested now but the symptoms started 5months ago 

Sato - Mio Kakeru ...How are you....Whats up you both look flushed up [ She was with Hirata and her son Sathoshi ] 

Mio - Oh ! Sato [ she justs hugs her ] I am pregnant....

Sato - Oh! You too Congratulations ...Suzune called me a while ago with tears stating that she is 5 pregnant ..Looks like your not alone 

[ Hirata was holding Sathoshi who was wearing a cute dress ....while Ryuen and Hirata are talking ] 

Mio - EHHHH ! Suzune too I am not alone [ happy ] Na Sato I am palnning to ask Kei and Arisu also ....Sato have a kid too 

Sato [ She looks at Yosuke who was holding her second son and talking to Kakeru] Ehh [ blushes] No ... Mioooo Noo I had Sathoshi four years ago and my elderst daughter is 15 [ Hirata Yuki Class 1-D] 

Mio - Please Please .... Have one more ...

[ Chabashira  sensei - You kids are nuts 

Chairman Sakayangi - I do agree ...] 

Sato - Huh.... [ She looks at Yosuke again] Miooo .... Huh You should take rest ..

Mio - I know .... How will I tell my kids ? 

Sato - Hmm.... Why not call them now Wait call now 

Mio - [ Class Katsumi ] Hello Katsumi ...

Katsumi - Mom Hello how are you? How is dad and Kazume 

Mio - Katsumi - We are fine ...Tell your siblings and your close friends that I and Suzune are pregnant..

Katsumi - Oh ...ok Well I am not surprised with your news mom you were unwell since 5 months...I am surprised about Suzune san 

Mio - Your not mad or angry ...

Katsumi - Mom your my mother ...You gave birth to me ...Your super strong...And I respect it and adore it Mom a mother gives birth to the next generation Mom... I am glad that your my mom... I hope you are ok ..and mom I really hope its a boy ...Take care mom...Eat well ...and take rest dont carry heavy objects 

Mio - Hai Hai ...Thank you ... I am mother of 4kids I know dear 

Katsumi - Yes mom...I know Bye 


Mio- He was happy

Sato- You have raised your son well ...You have raised a gentleman Mio 

[ Mio - I love my son 

Ryuen - We raised him well

Kei - I do agree 

All - Well raised son 

Teachers- Your good parents ] 

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