I am sorry Mamma

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Ai - [ She saw a not written by Kyo] He left ..I mean or else we would have been in trouble ...My room smells like his cologne... He was here yesterday ... in my room [ blushes ] 

Mio - [ Knocks ] I am coming in...Ai

Ai -Mamma I am sorry [ She was cut by Mio hugging her ] Mamma ?  I am sorry I know your mad 

Mio - Mad ? More like I was worried ...I was super worried ... You can drive but be careful 

Ai - Mamma I am sorry I said a lot yesterday ...Like I should not have spoken like that I am sorry

Mio - Even I am sorry ...Come down for breakfast ...Come on 

Ai - Yes mamma 

[ Mio - We made up I AM GLAD 

Ryuen - She still drives well 

Mio - I will kill you

Ryuen - 1] You cant    2] If you want kids you cant kill me 

Kei - [Coughs ] That was loud 

Kiyotaka - Facts 

Teachers - They are too perverted ] 

Sara - Aki left....[ She reads the note ] Hmmm... I should apologize  to mom ..Aki man his lips are soo soft...What is wrong with you SARA ?

Suzune - Sara ... I am coming inside ...[ She hugs her daughter ] I am sorry I should not have slapped you....I am sorry 

Sara - I am sorry mom ...I am really sorry 

Suzune - You can drive but not soo fast ...Be careful ... Come down its time for breakfast...You need to eat ....AND be better than me ... 

Sara - Eh! Mom I am sorry But I am stubborn I will be like you 

Suzune- Hmm ( Laughs)

(Suzune- We made up ( she starts jumping leaving the rest shocked 🤯)

Manabe- Suzune... You are a good mother

Suzune - My brother praised me)

Kyoko- Izumi left me a note.. That guy... 🤭(blushes) Hmm mouu I am soo weird 🤔I should apologize to mamma for my behavior... I sure I made her cry 😭I feel bad 👎...

Kei - Kyoko Forgive me for the words I used to you yesterday... No I am really sorry as a mother I am not supposed to speak in that language 💬... No matter what your my child... Ok I love you ❤( She hugs her daughter tightly) your my  only daughter... And in high school... I believe it was in third year... I said your Pappa I needed a daughter... I remember that day soo well 🤭🤭🤣🤣 He was like only one kid... He was like let's have 4kids 🤭🤭🤣🤣

( Kei - Ehhhhh

Ryuen - Kiyotaka had no chill 😎

Kei - Says the father of 5kids

Mio - She caught you there

Ryuens - Monsters influence

Chabashira sensei - Kids these days)

Kyoko -I am sorry mamma .. Really you wanted a daughter... Ehhh Pappa said that

Kei - Do you know why a mother wants a daughter? I wanted one so I can treat her well... My parents were never there for me... My dad was workalcholic and he was also a drunkard... My mother... She had affairs with many men... She was a prostitude... I hated them... Hence I faced some issues in my junior high.... And yur Pappa was the only person who I fell in love with... I wanted to be a good mother .. I wanted to be a good ✨mother . . .

Kyoko - You are mamma.. Please I am sorry your the best mamma...

Kei - In high school when we started our relationship... We hid it... But Sato found it... Then the whole school... Then some issues happend between Ichinose and your father... And I kept quite... I knew it all... I love him soo much he helped me a lot... So I forgave him... We had our fights... Then Suzune started developing feeling... That time she rejected Ken... Then by third it was ok.. But your Pappas father... Ayanokoji Atsuomi he was a bad person... Your Pappa struggled against him... Your Pappa took over the company... And then we got married... Kyoko... I endured a lot I sufferrd a lot but your pappa sufferred even worse..We both know despair.. But I only know 25% of it but your Pappa know more than a 100%...It was hard.. But we reached it here... It's ok... You can drive... I don't want you to suffer like both of us...

Kyoko - Mamma I am sorry... I never knew any of this

Kei - None of you know this... We never wanted to burden you with anything .. I am actually proud of you for driving🚘 but I need you to be careful... Promise that you will take care

Kyoko - Yes mamma ( She hugs her mother) I love you ❤

Kei - Hmm Love you too

( Ichinose - I wonder what happened between me and Ayanokoji kun

Kei - Looks like that path 👣was rough but the goal was sweet ❤...

Kiyotaka - You suffered a lot because of me I am sorry...

Kei - It's ok.. 🤭

Ryuen - Romantic Kiyotaka?

Ibuki - Love ❤ Couple

Kei - Mouuu

Teachers - These students 👩‍🎓🤭🤦🏻‍♀️)

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