Teen /Young Love ❤

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Kei - Kyoko Come down its time for breakfast...

Kyoko - ( from her bedroom) Coming mamma

Kiyotaka- Kyoko.. You seem happy What happened...

Kyoko- I am meeting a friend today

Kyo - Boy / Girl

Kyosuke - Age

Kiyotaka- Location, Age, School name , Phone number

Kaori - Mamma why does Pappa need all this

Kei - Mou .. Listen she is a teen .. Cause Kaori your Pappa is too over protective

Kiyotaka- I have my reasons ...

Kyoko- It's Ruyen Izumi... Whats wrong with him?

Kiyotaka- Izumi ka? Ha go take care

Kyoko- ( Kisses her dad's cheeks and mothers cheek) Thank you mamma pappa...

Kiyotaka- She is surely hanging out with him A lot these days...

Kei - Let her Kio... Take care huh and what are you gonna wear

Kyoko- I am gonna wear a red skirt and my black strappy crop top paired with black heels...

Kei - That's good... All the best!

Kyoko - Mammmaaa... It's not a date...

Kei - I know that...


( Izumi wore a black pants with white T-shirt and black shoes)

Izumi - Yo... Kyoko.. Nice dress ( mind) Mann she looks soo good...

( Kiyotaka- Don't stare...

Kei - They are friends with feelings

Ryuen - Kuku

Arisu- fufu)

Izumi - So where do you wanna go? Wanna go out to eat...

Kyoko - Sure... I have my dad's card

( Chabashira sensei - You just gave your daughter your black card

Kiyotaka- Looks like I did . . . I mean what's wrong

All - Rich people 😩)

Izumi - Damn... Ok ... I insist of paying though...

( They had some waffles with ice cream and Kyoko brought a dress which cost 7,000Yen )

Kyoko - I am back


Kyoko - Hai.. Mamma what's wrong?

Kei - 7,000 Dress really? Mou that's too expensive learn to save not only to spend Kyoko . . . Don't be like mamma in her teens...

Kiyotaka- Kyoko... How was your day?

Kyoko- It was good until mamma started scolding me pappa . ..

Kiyotaka- Leave it She is still a kid... Come here ( Kyoko hugs her dad and smirks at her mother)

Kei- Muo Kio your spoiling your daughter...

Kiyotaka- Of course I will... She is my daughter... Na Kyoko...

Kyoko- Haiii pappa.... Thanx

Kiyotaka-Kei you used to spend a lot on high school

Kyo-Mom? Spend

Kiyotaka-Hmm she did... But she changed now... She is wise and stronger...

Kei - You think that

Kiyotaka- Of course I doo


( With Suzune Asahi and Sara)

Suzune - Sakayanagi Aki... Asahi are you both close...?

Asahi - No... No I mean yes we.. Are.. Why ( blushes)

Sara - (smirks) Aki... Is beautiful isn't she?

Asahi - Akio also looks good... He caught many girls eyes

Sara -(blushes) So..? Why are you telling me this.. Huh... As if I care . ..

Asahi - Oh... I forgot you don't care... Yeah right

( Ryuen- I like that kid

Suzune- My children

Sudo - My kids with Suzune

Kiyotaka- hmm..)

Suzune - ( sips her coffee and then speaks up) Asahi your dating Aki isn't it...

Asahi - Mom... How do you know...

Suzune - And Sara your dating Akio I am not surprised not even the slitest ... You always crushed on him.... I am sure Arisu figured out... I mean since you both came your always laughing and texting on your phone... And your blushling too I and Arisu and not dumb ....I am your mom I know all your dramas from your face itself ...

Asahi - Who was your first crush?

Suzune - Ayanokoji Kiyotaka

Asahi / Sara - Kiyotaka sannn

Suzune - I, Ichinose, Ichika, Arisu, Hyori, Mio, Sato, Kushida Nanase and Kei...While he www dating Kei Ichinose pulled him a lot ... He shifted his class to B then to A... Kei suffered...silently she endured it all for him...He is lucky to have her... He was a playboy in his days....

Asahi /Sara - Even mum loved him... Playboy... Can't believe...

Suzune-(laughs) Now now don't do tell this to the whole school we lived our high school life well now live yours

( Kei- Playboy

Kiyotaka- You liked me ? 

Sakura - Ehhh...Horikita san 

Manabu - Suzune] 

Sara - Mom What did you mean by Kei san endured it all

Suzune - Look , Kei suffered pain...She suffered it silently ...She stayed strong and bold ...Kiyotaka saved her and hurt her many times...He hurt her a lot......But she always forgave him...She is the best one for him ....Its true she is not a survivor  she is a warrior she is stronger than Ichika ..too 

Asahi - Mom , do you regret your highschool life ? 

Suzune - Nope ... Not even a bit .... 

Sara - [ She just hugs her mother which surprises Suzune but she hugs back ] Mom ... Thank you for being the best mom ever 

Suzune - Oh! I see ... 

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