Teenage Romance ?

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Izumi - Yo Kyoko

Kyoko-Hey.....[ she was wearing a very short frock paired with beautiful heels , she also cut her hair]

Izumi-Your hair....You cut it...Why [ mind ] she looks hot 

Kyoko- Oh! well I just wanted to cut my hair

[ Kei-Mou ....Kiyo she cut her hair...Is she ok 

Chi-She is ok she cut her because she wanted a change before leaving to their house for a month....and she got to know that boys like long hair...

Kiyotaka-Izumi Kid stay away from my daughter

Ruyen-HUH...Ask Kyo to stay away from my daughter ......

Ibuki/Kei-Thats enough 


Kyoko-Mamma and Pappa would be shocked

Izumi-Change can be beautiful ...Kyoko ....

Kyoko-Yes ...

Izumi- You sure played well in the special exam 

Kyoko-I don't know what your saying 

Izumi-You made Kushida believe you used your genes well 

Kyoko-hmm surely .... I did Izumi 

Izumi-Your a genius ....Kyoko

Kyoko- Hmm...I believe I am not that smart as you expect me to be Izumi...

Izumi- [ Pulls her to him ] Really Ms.Ayanokoji Kyoko ? 

Kyoko- [ she whispers to his left ears ] Yes....Mr.Ryuen Izumi...I dont bite without a reason .... 

Akio- fufu well well love birds ...stop flirting Parents are coming to pick us today.....At least flirt in your own rooms na Himari

Himari-I suppose yes is my answer 

Izumi-[blushing]We weren't flirting 

Akio-Oh! really ? 

Kyoko-Really and truly .... Well Akio be careful as  Sakayanagi Aki should not see his sister dating Horikita Asahi... [ she leaves ] 

Izumi-Shhh She caught you there didn't she Akio ? 

Akio- She sure did ... fufu not bad 

[ Arisu - Oh ! seems like my daughter is dating Horikita Asahi .....not bad fufu

Kiyotaka- Oi Ryuen your son was too casual with my daughter 

Kei-She is good 

Ibuki-Yas she is na Ryuen 


Time - skip 

Kei- Kyoko...get the door I think your guest is here 

Kyoko-Yes mamma ... Ah you came ....Izumi ..Who dropped you ? 

Izumi-I rode my motorcycle 

Kyoko-I am better in driving cars and riding a motorcycle 

Kei-Hi there ...Izumi It sure has been a while dear ...

Izumi-My mom wanted you to have this [ he gifted her a box full of Japanese sweets 

Kei-Mou...Mio ...Why though ...Thank you. Please convey my thanks to your mother. Please come inside ...Oi ! Kyoko is this an indoor date or something...Don't give me that poker face Kyoko

Kyoko-[poker face] No one would date an unpopular girl like me and then we are just friends mamma...

Izumi-Yes...Kei san we going to study together .....[mind ] Girl you have a whole harem in the school both genders love you 

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