chapter 6. we hide out on a space station

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As we buckled up luna made shore we was buckled up and said "okay is everyone buckled up" we both new and nodded as I said "yeah".

And as we reached outside the planet luna said "Okay now let's do this thing I knew a person if we could find him he could help us out if we could reach him".

"and who is he" I said "Okay just don't get sick" luna said as kanji said "why would we get sick" "this is why" luna said as she putted this thing in to light speed.

"what the" I said as it felt dizzy just saying and kanji said "You okay what was that" "light speed hay what is that" I said.

We came out of light speed but I didn't know about the space station of some kind it looked like ton of space ships was parked outside it.

"is this place some kind of space station" I said as kanji said "what the" as he sure one go pars us "okay so what is the plan" I said.

"Okay we are going to need help to get to this guy my parents said this guy could help his name is Zeno if we could get to him he can help us get to the galactic force officers" luna said.

"then what now" I said as I think I knew what they was some kind of space cops I think just saying "so wait they are space police men".

"I don't know about this thing called police but I do know that they are fighters an army and we need their help to take back my world" luna said.

"okay I understand" I said thought I did have a question what is this space station "so what are we doing here" "this is just a place where wanted people hang out basically it is a natural zone basically none uses weapons here so leave them in the space ship okay" luna said.

"so can we get people to help us or" I said as we went in through some kind of force field dome parking lot in it.

"so what are we doing here anyway" I said and luna said "we need help this is just a quick stop look I need a mask of some kind you got anything to cover my face with".

"what why" I said "Look I don't think that rule of natural bit would work for me they might kill me" luna said "okay so let me think" I said as I could see some kind of blanket and I knew what I had to do.

"wait we could rap you around with a blanket over your head like a hood but lose the crown" I said.

"okay fine just let me park" luna said as we parked said "okay help me get it on" I help rapped her hope fully nobody would recognised her.

We got out and luna said "wait how much money do we have" "what well we have" I said oh boy we didn't have any money she was right we was sitting ducks here.

As we walked out I could see there was aliens everywhere "what the" I said "are these aliens cool".

"yeah look don't talk to them they are criminals all the one who are here are basically pirates thefts gangsters they are here to trade and chat with new members" luna said.

Kanji got out and said "wow these must be so amazing warrior's" "they are basically bad warriors like not bad at their job but doing stuff for bad things" luna said.

And I knew what to do "Okay kanji stay here and watch the ship okay don't let any one touch it okay" I said.

"got it" kanji said as he stayed in the ship I would have loved to take him but there are people bad people in there and I don't think he would have understand.

"look I didn't want to bring him because he would get hurt okay" I said as luna said "so what planet are you from" "earth is my home planet what about you" I said.

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