chapter 10 i battle a alien mother ship

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Okay first things first I said as I came out to the street and Zandro said "Okay look here is the plan I will get this to the galactic forcers you three go and find luna".

As we wondered the streets we got tired and didn't know where to find luna "okay we are a fiscally lost think luna has to be somewhere here" I said.

"yeah but this place is big we can't find her it's not like" kanji said as ogo said "look on the screen" as he pointed to luna.

She was on the tv screen I said "where is that" as she was waving and I knottiest she had some kind of crown on her.

"wait I know where it is the galactic peace council" ogo said as I said "okay where is that" "it's on the other side of omega we will never make it on time" ogo said.

It looked like we was it that was the end of the universe but I had a idea that would work for shore we just needed a ride "no not unless we go by ship now does anyone know where we parked" I said.

Ogo said "I know where" as we went to the parking space we got a parking ticket and I ripped it of I knew what I did was illegal but I had to save the day.

And I came in to the driver's seat as ogo sat in the front and kanji was in the back as we buckled up "okay quick question how do we start this thing" I said.

I had trouble starting it I got it started "okay so which way to the galactic peace area or whatever" I said.

"okay so it should be right ah" ogo said as kanji said "what the heck is going on here" "Look I don't know how to drive okay I am a kid on my planet we don't drive just saying" I said.

As we filed through to the traffic as we did we was almost there and I said "good we are almost there" when suddenly I could hear a siren.

"oh boy cops they are behind us" I said "should we pull over" ogo said "there is no time for that" I said and luna needed me kanji said "let me take them I will hold them back".

"not look as bad as this seems we can't kill them please just let me lose them or try" I said as I tried to get them of are trail when ogo said "there it is".

I could see it a Hugh building that had flags on it "what's with the flags" I said "they are the flags of other planets" ogo said.

As I had to make a quick landing "I hope you buckled up this is going to be a ruff landing" I said as I went and hit the break as I went down I stopped on some kind of green area boy I would get in trouble now.

But I had to crash and it was ruff as I got out of my seat belt and I could hear cops say "freeze you are under arrest by order of omega".

Boy this is not looking good just saying "this is it game over" I said "don't worry I got this I will defend you yeah just get inside" ogo said.

"wait what but you can't defend of an army" I said "you forgot one thing I have telekinesis" ogo said.

And he levitated a laser gun from inside the ship and gave it to me and kanji "what is this" kanji said "it is kind of like your bow and arrow just be careful" I said.

I knew what I was doing would be dangerous and I thankfully had the spear laser gun as I took it out and got ready I said "Okay let's do this thing".

Ogo came out as he levitated the galactic force as they surrounded the space ship "sorry about this" ogo said.

I ran out with kanji as I a run through in to the building I ran and hurried and said "hurry this way" when suddenly I could see guards from behind me and they said "hay kid come back here".

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