chapter 11 we get a make over on the space ship.

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As Lucio took out the remote and said "see this" as he showed it to me "this is how I control her and there is nothing you can do know to save her" he said as he laughed.

When suddenly it floated towards ogo and Zandro "look like we got lucky this time" as they pressed a button and luna woke up "oh my god josh I am so sorry I didn't mean to and" luna said.

I got up and said "yeah oh and bye the way" as I walked towards her and hugged her and said "luna you are one good girl you are beautiful and well would you like to".

"go on a date with me" luna said and I was going to say it we laughed and I said "what I was going to say that".

"well to be honest I had feelings for you since you rescued me like a prince charming but you are one good warrior I knew when I found you it was a sign that you could become a hero" luna said.

We kissed and it felt so good like I could see basically a better picture of myself and we sure as Lucio took out a laser gun "this isn't over my word I will" he said when suddenly galactic force craft hovered over and I could hear someone said "freeze you are under arrest".

"but they was trying to kill the princess" Lucio said as luna said "lyre he was protecting me from you who was going to sell out the people on omega and the universe to Rano".

As they flied out and hovered the when the Otari was ready to battle but before they could even have a chance a metal crate came off and fell on to them.

Don't worry they was let's say harmed but they was invaders they kind of deserved it just saying as they came out kanji came towards me and patted me on the back.

"great job" he said as Zandro and ogo came towards me and Zandro said "You know maybe we should stick with each other just saying".

"you know what that sounds great" I said when suddenly a galactic force officer the same one from before said "You have any idea what you did".

As they was arresting Lucio and he said "I will be back I will get even just you wait" "yeah tell it to the judge" luna said.

"you five come with me know I am having new orders from the head of the united planets federation council" he said.

We went in to some kind of police craft and we walked in buckled up we went to the council and as it stopped.

I was kind of novice I mean I did do a bunch of illegal stuff just saying the stealing of the unit the hole breaking in the space ship under age maybe as well.

"just relaxes let me do the talking now" luna said as it stopped and we ended up getting out of the space ship we walked in to it and there we walked through.

"look everything is going to be okay" luna said as we went inside we was greeted by planets ambassadors who sat and surrounded us.

"hello there look if this is about the space ship thing we are sorry and" I said before one interrupted me and said "you didn't have a licence to drive you could have gotten hurt you broke in to omega and also you saved us all".

"wait what so we are not in trouble" I said "oh you are in trouble but we would like to reward you by making you honourable recruits if you want" another said.

"yeah well I will think about it" I said I mean this is everything I could have hoped for but still I wondered and I knew what to do.

"what you mean maybe this is amazing" luna said "yeah but you know I really want to don't get me wrong I want to stay here but I kind of just now always wanted to wonder helping people as hero's for higher" I said.

"wait what why don't you join just saying" luna said "well to be honest I kind of don't really know what to do I want to help you but I want to do it my way not yours and council if you allow me I promise I will be good along with my friends" I said.

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