chapter 9 i discover a spy in omega

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And he shook my hand and I said "how do you know each other" "well mostly because we use to date" luna said.

"wait what I just need a moment" I said this couldn't be happening he us to date her this is so not happening he looked at me and said "hay you okay" "yeah everything is" I said acting like everything was fine but really it kind of wasn't.

I wanted to be friends but I kind of had feelings for someone basically luna I loved her she was like a princess like snow white and I was prince charming just saying.

But I guess life wasn't a Disney movie and I stopped shaking hands and luna said "thanks for your help josh I couldn't have done it without you".

As she came and hugged me and I was just getting use to her and I hated to say but I kind of had a little bit of a crush on her to be honest.

"yeah don't mention it" I said as luna said "yeah so you want to see me some time or" "yeah maybe I got to get back to earth just saying" I said.

I wanted to go back to earth but to be honest I kind of like the adventure I had it was great but it was the best moment of my life just saying.

"hay tell you what why don't you stay here for a bit" Julian said "yeah okay truth is we don't really have that much money and besides we don't really want to spend that much money mostly because" I said as he interrupted me.

And said "say no more you three could stay at my place" "okay we would love to" kanji said I didn't really want to and said "yeah but I to be honest you know what I guess I could stay here for a bit".

I didn't want to mostly because I did all this to stop an invasion and Julian said "great I will talk to the council with luna you two better stay right here".

"Okay I will" I said as luna and him went to the council I went out and I just needed a breather just saying.

"hay you want to talk" kanji said as he followed me and I said and I felt like I didn't want to "yeah it is just I kind of really to be honest don't really want to go".

"what do you mean" kanji said "look between you and me I kind of had feelings for this girl" I said as kanji said "is this about luna".

I looked at him and said "well yeah to be honest I did this for her because to be honest I love her".

"yeah I know" kanji said "you know how" I said "Look you need to talk to her tell her the truth" kanji said.

"what do you mean me and her its just never going to happen" I said "well you never know you could tell her the truth" kanji said.

"me tell the truth its kind of not happening just saying" I said "hay lesson don't worry just trust me" kanji said.

To be honest I didn't have a clue to what I should do but kanji was right I had to be there for luna just saying and as luna came out with Julian she said "Hay don't worry the galactic force had agreed to give us a room in a hotel here okay".

"yeah oh and by the way did you two use to date just saying" I said "yeah we still kind of are" luna said.

I know I should have told her the truth but I just couldn't and I went with kanji and luna and Julian and he took me to some kind of hotel I went in and sat down on the bed and Julian said "okay this should get you through today and tomorrow luna told me that you helped her only to help protect your world well guess what I will help protect it".

"yeah" I said as I know I should have loved the hotel but I had to tell luna how I felt but I was scared I knew I had to tell her and luna said "if you need anything I will be right next door".

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