Chapter 6: The Battle of Avalon (1)

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In the quiet afternoon light filtering through the trees of Avalon's abandoned central park, a young girl sat perched on a fallen tree trunk, clutching a worn rabbit doll to her chest. Her eyes were downcast, clouded with sadness, as she reflected on the loss of her parents to the violence of the Orangoria raid.

Unbeknownst to her, a figure approached silently, dressed in the distinctive uniform of a gasmasked German soldier. The girl's heart raced as she caught sight of the imposing figure and the eerie mask that concealed his features. Fear prickled at her senses, but she remained rooted to her spot, her gaze fixed on the silent intruder.

The gasmasked soldier stood before her, a stoic and enigmatic presence in the tranquil setting of the abandoned park. Despite the initial apprehension, the soldier's demeanor was unexpectedly gentle, his silence masking a quiet friendliness that belied the intimidating appearance of his mask.

With a deliberate and measured gesture, the soldier knelt down in front of the young girl, his gaze meeting hers through the glass lenses of his mask. He reached into a pocket, producing a small, weathered book adorned with faded illustrations.

The girl's curiosity overcame her fear as she studied the book, her eyes widening with wonder at the intricate drawings within. The soldier's presence, once foreboding, now exuded a sense of calm assurance.

In a voice softened by the constraints of his mask, the soldier spoke, his words measured and deliberate. "Hello, young one" he said, his tone carrying a subtle reassurance.

The girl, clutching her rabbit doll tightly, regarded the soldier with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. She sensed an underlying kindness beneath the soldier's emotionless facade, a connection that transcended words.

As the afternoon sunlight bathed the scene in a warm glow, the gasmasked soldier and the young girl formed an unlikely bond-a testament to the resilience of the human spirit amid the trials of a world marred by conflict and uncertainty.

In that fleeting moment of connection, the girl found solace in the soldier's silent companionship, and the soldier, in turn, discovered a glimpse of humanity amidst the desolation of their surroundings. Together, they shared a quiet understanding, bridging the divide between fear and empathy in the forgotten heart of Avalon's central park.

The gasmasked German soldier's mind wandered back to the aftermath of the devastating raid on Arindale village, when he had first encountered the young girl amidst the silent rows of makeshift grave markers. She stood alone, tears streaking her cheeks, her sorrow palpable in the quietude of the makeshift cemetery.

He had watched from a distance, unseen and unnoticed, as the girl knelt before multiple grave stones, her grief a raw and poignant testament to the tragic losses suffered in the wake of the Orangoria soldiers' ruthless attack.

In that moment, beneath the heavy mask that obscured his expression, the soldier felt a stirring of empathy-a profound understanding of the girl's pain and the weight of her sorrow. Despite the barriers between them, he longed to offer comfort, to bridge the divide of their circumstances with an unspoken gesture of solidarity.

Now, as he stood before her in the abandoned central park, the soldier sought to forge a connection-a silent overture of friendship born from a shared experience of loss and resilience.

"I remember seeing you by the graves, back Arindale village" the soldier's voice, muffled by the mask, broke the stillness of the afternoon. "I... I wanted to make sure you were alright."

The young girl regarded him with a mixture of surprise and cautious curiosity, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. She sensed the soldier's genuine intent beneath the mask, a silent yearning for understanding and companionship.

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