Chapter 9: The Rise of the Democratic of Avalon

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Avalon city map

Avalon city map

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Dreadhold Citadel

in the imposing Dreadhold Citadel, a stronghold renowned for its fortress-like architecture and sprawling slave markets, Lord Judas stood in stunned silence. The walls of his grand chamber, adorned with banners and trophies of past victories, seemed to close in around him as he listened to the scout's grim report.

The scout, breathless and covered in the dust of his long journey, relayed the catastrophic losses. "My Lord, our forces...they were decimated. Over 100,000 of our soldiers have fallen to these...gray demons."

Lord Judas's expression hardened, his shock giving way to a mix of rage and disbelief. "How could this happen? Our troops, our knights, all crushed so swiftly? What manner of demons do we face?"

The scout swallowed hard, his voice trembling as he continued. "They fight with weapons and tactics beyond our comprehension. The gray demons are relentless, their machines of war unmatched. Sir Julius and the other knights...all gone, my Lord. Even Great Orlax could not withstand their onslaught."

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