𝑨𝒏𝒕 𝒙 𝑺𝒑𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓

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sickfic where spider is sick :)

Also mentions of being sick :)


Ant had made it into school without any word from Spider. He didn't even see him at his usual meeting spot whitch Ant thought was weird but he shrugged it off for now assuming Spider had woken up late.

It had been hour after hour after hour until eventually it was the end of the day and still no word from Spider. Ant was getting worried it wasn't like him. Ant decided he would go to his house to check he's okay.

When he got there he knocked on the door and nobody answered. He assumed his mum was out on a business trip but normally Spider would answer the door. Luckily he knew spider mostly left his window unlocked.

Which isn't really safe but it's good for Ant in the moment. Ant went around and climbed up and thank god the window was unlocked. He climbed in but it was really dark and had a weird smell. He looked around the room to see a lump on the bed.

Ants slowley tip-toed over to the bed to take a closer look and saw spider curled up under the covers.

"Hey Spence, what's wrong?" Ant said quietly assuming Spider was sick or something and he was right.

"I feel like fucking shit." Spider replied

"Aww spence have you tried having any food or tablets?" Ant said

"no.. not gotten out of bed" Spider replied, his voice breaking.

"Aww well i'm here to take care of you now!" Ant sat down next to him on the bed and put his hand in his forehead.

"no it's fine don't worry Ant i don't want you sick" Spider tried scooting over abit but he was too weak. It was weird seeing Spider so vunerable

"Nono shh you. I'm taking care of you now!" Ant smiled proudly

Spider let out a small laugh but that only ended in a big coughing fit that made him almost sick. As he sat over the bed Ant came next to him rubbing and patting his back, a worried look on his face.

"Don't look so worried. I'm fi-" Spider burst into another coughing fit before he could finish his sentance. This time he got up and sprinted to the bathroom. Ant followed him close behind rubbing Spiders back as he was throwing up in the toilet.

Which tbh almost made Ant throw up aswell but he stayed strong and didn't.

"Yk what. I'll make you food okay!" Ant said

"No you'll end up burning the house down.." Spider replied worried for his house.

"Nuh uh!" Ant said being abit childish


"Fine i'll order!" Ant replied knowing he woudnt win


After about 15minuets of them talking, well Ant talking there was a knock on the door and Ant disappeared downstairs for about 5minuets and came back up with a tray that had a bowl of soup, a water and a few tablets on it.

"Where's yours?" Spider asked as the tray was set down on him

"I didn't get owt, see im taking care of you today!" Ant said happily

"I'm not eating it unless you get something to eat.." Spider said sadly. He very much wanted to eat it all but he cudnt stand to watch Ant just sit there.

"Fine fine" Ant went downstairs for another 5minuets before coming back up with a bowl of cereal

"Really Ant?" Spider said chuckling as he shook his head

"Yeah! Now eat and take the tablets" Ant said already shoving a spoonful in his mouth

"Fine fine" Spider said also starting to eat his soup.

After spider was done with his soup Ant took out two tablets both for Spider. He held his hand out with tablet hinting at he wants to feed it to Spider.

Spider couldn't be assed with arguing about it so he just took the tablet out of Ants hand and picked up the water to drink it down.

The same thing happened again with the second tablet then Ant decided it would be best for Spider to get some sleep.

"Spencer. Sleep now" Ant said pointing at him

"Noo i don't wanna be on my own" Spider said reaching out to hold Ants hand, the one he was pointing with

"Fine i can stay here till you fall asleep" Ant said on the bed next to spider still holding his hand

"Noo i ment," Spider let go of Ants hand to wrap both his arms around Ants waste pulling him down and cuddling next to him. "Just.. stay.."

Ant was still. He knew Spider was falling asleep by the way Spiders breathing had slowed and he seemed more peaceful.

Ant also started falling asleep turning other to cuddle Spider instead of Ant getting cuddled. After all he was still taking care of his spider.

———♡ the next morning

Ant woke up first grabbing his phone and scrolling mindlessly for around 10 minutes before he noticed Spider starting to stirr awake.

Ant put his phone down watching Spider. He doesn't think he's ever seen him looking so peaceful.

"Hey babe. How you feeling today?" Ant said wrapping his arms back around Spider.

"Better. Still abit shit tho.." Spider replied

"It's okay we ain't got nothing to do today! We can just stay in bed all day and cuddle." Ant said moving his arms up around Spiders shoulders.

"Good." In return Spider wrapped his arms around Ants waste and started to lean in for a kiss.

Ant covered Spiders mouth and simply said "Maybe when your 100% better"

At that they both just smiled and relaxed into eachover.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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