Chapter one: Jumba's arrest

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( Jumba p.o.v. )

I was just stanting in front of the Grand Council waitting for then to read me my rights and what not the grand council woman steps foward. "Read the charges."  the council woman demanded.  "Dr. Jumba Jookiba lead scientist of Galaxy Defence Industries you stand before this council accised of illegal genetic experimentation."  Gantu readed causing cries of outrage from the crowd and they then bring out an trancport contaner. "How do you plead?"  the council asked. as it come closer to where we all are. "Not guilty!"  I yelled with my arms crossed. "My experiments are only theoretical and-"  I started to say as the trancporter latches open. "Copletely with in legal bounaries."  I said uncrossing my arms as the trancporter get ready to open up. "We believe you actually created something."  the countil woman said.  "Created something? Ha! But that would be irresponsible and unethical."  I said as the trancporter bring something down besides me as I try to clear my name. "I would never ever....." I started to say that is until my experment 626 was exposed to the Grand Council and proffing to them that I was lieing but I'm guilty aswell as cause the crowd to gasp.

"Make more then one."  I said sheepishly as I slightly cring at the fact that I've been cought as 626 start to growl and snarl at everyone then he tried to break out by bashing his head agenst the glass causing everone to cring.  "What is that monstrosity?"  Gantu asked. "Monstrosity?!"  I asked offenedly. "What you see before you is the first of a new species I call it experiment 626."  I started to say as 626 starts to climb up, down and all arond the glass.  "He is bulletproof, fireproof, and can think faster then supercomuter he can even see in the dark and move object 3,000 time his size his only instinct is to destroy everything he touches!"  I exclamed then start to laugh I laugh so hard that I fell backwards on my platform. "So it is a monster."  the council woman said. "Just a little one."  I said as I clamed down and sat up. "It is affront to nature it must be destroyed!"  Gantu yelled angrily. "Clam yourself Captain Gantu perhaps it can be reasoned with."  council woman said to Gantu before turning towards 626.  "Experiment 626."  coucil woman started to say catching 626's attantion well sort of.  "Give us some sign you understand any of this show us that there is some goodthing inside of you that is good."  council woman said causing 626 to stand up face them clear his throat.

"Meega nala kweesta!"  626 exclamed before laughing as well as causing everyone to ether cringed or come illed, or have fainted or even all three.  "So naughty!"  the council said in disgusted. "I didn't teach him that."  I said. "PLace that idiot scientist under arrest!"  Gantu yelled as a glass like thing came up and over my platfrom. "I prefer to called evil genius!"  I yelled as I was then sent down to the prison.

( 626 p.o.v. )

I had just got done witnessing my creator being sent to prison. "And as for that abomination it is the flawed product of deranged mind." the council woman started to say as I started to slober on the glass. "It has no place among us Captain Gantu take him away."  council woman said she then begin to walk away leaving me with fishface. "With pleasure!"  fishface said as he start to crack his knuckles then before I knew it I was taking away from there and placed some where else.

A Hawaiian Human Girl and experiment 626 ( Stitch love story )Where stories live. Discover now