Chapter five: Trying to get along and Nani get's fired

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"Oh wooaaw!"  I said with a cackle. "Raaaaaarrr!"  I growled as I start to mimick what's on tv. "Ok I guess we should be going."  Nani said before she blew raspberry on Lilo's cheek. "What about stitch?"  Lilo asked. "Ugh!"  Nani ground as Kanani walked over to me. "Be good and please take care and protect Lilo for us."  Kanani said as she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before she and Nani left but for some resion I didn't like it when Kanani left just then there was a sound of a bell cause Lilo and I to turn towards the sound cause us to have diferent reaction me to growl and Lilo to get even more happy. "My friends!"  Lilo exclamed happily. "Aagghh!"  the four girl screamed as they try to ride away but Lilo managed to block there path with me following her having the urge to do what Kanani told me to do and that was to take care and protect her so that's what I'm going to do.  "What do you want?"  the red head asked rudly.  "I'm sorry I bit you and pulled your hair and punched you in the face."  Lilo said while looking down feeling bad about what she did. "Apology not accepted now get out of my way before I run you over!"  the mean redhead said before she see me causing her to scream. "I got a new dog his name is Stitch."  Lilo said while pointing to me.

"That is the ugliest thing I have ever saw."  the ugly redhead said. "Yeah!"  the brunette clones said I then ran up the ugly girl took hold of the weel of her bike. "Eww get it away from me I'm going to get a disease!"  she yelled rudly but I just tiped the bike over causing the ugly girl to fall over and on to the floor I then hopped on the bike rode up to Lilo grabbed hold of her putting her behind me. "Aagghh! Waaahhh!"  the ugly redhead girl cried as Lilo and I rode away. "Somebody do something!"  the ugly redhead girl yelled as we were half way down the road until we made it to the what looks like a beach causing me to growl so I turned away and rode to somewhere were I can hopfully destroy a city or something we rode until we made it to a cliff were there was even more water which cause me to growl and turn around once more until we made to another rocky dead end where there was more water. "It's nice to live on an island with no lorge cities."  Lilo said what I have been dreading it cause me to freak out. "Eek! Aagghh!"  I screamed as I fell onto the floor. "Are you ok?"  Lilo asked as I continue to freak out on the floor.

"Gaaaak!"  I yelled so later we made back to her house to get her wagon we then made it a sewers/ a little creak where she had to play fetch with a stick but I just sat down not doing it but she just squerted me with the water then point to where the stick is but I still didn't want to do it so she continue to squert me with the water until I decide enough was enough and took the bottle out of her hands and threw it then growled at her causing her to go and get the bottle and me to smirk we then went a picnic table and sat on top of it to wait for Nani and Kanani to come like they promised they would at one they did and they brought food I tried to get some but Nani closed the lid and waved a finger at me an uh uh I went to punch her with an grawl but a clear of throat cause me to look over only to see Jumba and the one eye noodle bady disguise pulling out a blaster gun out of brown paper bag letting me know that if I step out of line that they meanly he would open fire so I backed off and gave Lilo a hug Kanani and Nani we back to work and Lilo and I went down to the beach where she found a shell she shows it to me I knock it out of her hand I then get hit by a ball. "Hey over her little buddy!"  a male human said I picked it up then threw it back at him hitting him squear in the face knocking him down causing me to laugh and roll over towards Lilo

Lilo went to get us some icey while I was looking at post cards while wearing sunglasses I took a like of the frozen treat until a dog came and started to sniff my but so I threw my icey on top of his head then I threw the post cards at him as he walked away as I was being pulled away by the hand by Lilo I saw a space ship ride but I didn't know it was a ride got in and tried to get out of here but it wasn't going anywhere that is until Lilo got in after putting a quarter into the slote cause it to go and me to relize that it's not a real space ship. "Hey when your ready to give up just let us know. Eh?"  Jumba asked clearly enjoying himself at my dilemma. "Whee!"  Lilo giggled ground latter that night we where at the place where Kanani and Nani work as well as a male human named daved "Yaaaggghhh!"  Daved yelled as he twirls two side fire torches after that Kanani goes up there to sing but right now she helping Nani waitressing tables I was laughing at the fact that the stage cought on fire while Lilo was coloring. "This is you."  Lilo start to say as she put's her coloring book in front of me showing a picture of me colored in red.  "This is your badness level."  Lilo said as she point to where the red line ends. "It's unusually high for someone your size."  Lilo continue to say as she takes the book back as I clean out my ear then flicked it away.

"We have to fix that. Lilo said just as Nani came over. "Ai-ai-ai-Lilo your dog cannot sit at the table!"  Nani said. "Stitch is troubled he needs desserts!"  Lilo said pointing at Nani with her crown. "You didn't even eat your sweet potato."  Nani start to say as she takes the platet away. "I thought you like them!"  Nani said. "Desserts!"  Lilo yelled causing Nani to sigh then walk away and Kanani came on the stage and started to sing her voice had cought everyone but meanly the males as well as myself I was already fighting the uge to grawl at any male that dare to look at her I don't know why I haven't figur it out since I first saw her at the Animal shalter there was just something about her that draws me to her not sure what but as she start to sing it feels like I'm in a trans just then that daved person came by. "David! I got a new dog."  Lilo said cause him to gasp when he saw me. "You sure it's a dog?"  David asked. "Uh-huh. He used to be a collie before he got ran over."  Lilo said just then two cakes was put down on the table. "Yum."  Lilo said but just as she was going to reach over and take her slice I grabbed both of them and ate them both.

"Hey!"  Lilo exclamed I then spit them out reached into my mouth to get the cherry then put it back on top of the cake then pushed them over towards Lilo. "Eww!"  Lilo exclamed in disgusted. "Howzit Nani?"  David asked Nani as she was walking by. "Did you catch fire again?"  Nani asked looking at him in worry. "Nah just the stage listen I was wondering if you're not doing anything this..." David started to say but was cut off by Nani. "I told you I can't I...." Nani started to say but trailed off as she looks over towards us. "I got a lot to deal with right now."  Nani whishpered. "I know I just figured you might need some time..." David started tosay but got cut off by Nani sniffing him. "You smell like a lawnmower!"  Nani exclamed as she backs her head away causing him smell his hand just as there was a commotion.  "Look I got to go that kid at table three's throwing poi again maybe some other time. Ok?"  Nani asked as she went to help a customer. "Don't worry."  Lilo started to say catching David's attantion. "She likes your butt and fancy hair."  Lilo continued as she opened her coloring book. "I know I read her diary."  Lilo said as she being to draw as I flick a piece of the cake of the table before I start to smell something good.

"She think it's fancy?"  David said with a smile as he plays with his hair as I wander off following whereever that sweet small is coming from it was coming from a purse so I reach in to get only to be grabbed. "Aha! Look what I find!"  Jumba yelled before looking at the one eye noodle. "Get the restraints!"  Jumba told the one eye noodle.  "Take that!"  Jumba yelled as he was punching me on the head after I had bit him on the arm.  "Hold still a..." the one eye start to say as he or she try's to cuff me as I try to bit Jumba again but instead I bit the one eye's head in fact I have it in my mouth. "Waaaagggh!"  the one eye screamed causing Nani to gasp when she sees me try to eat *someone*  so she try's to get me off by hitting me on the head but that only made me bit harder so she splashed me with what ever was in the pitcher but once again that only made me bit even harder so she's now trying to priy me off by pulling me off she eventually no succeeded getting me off causing both of us to be tossed onto the ground with me in her arms.  "Hey Nani!"  a male yelled as she try's to hold me down. "Is that your dog?"  the male asked.

"Uh.." Nani try to explan but couldn't find an answer that woudn't get her fired. "All is well please go about your business I'm ok."  the one eye said in a fake high pitch girly voice. "Your head looks...swollen."  Nani said weirded out and worriedly. "Actually she's just ugly."  Jumba said causing the one eye one to fake laugh in his fake girly laugh. "Darling he's joking ugly look at me."  the one eye one said trying to sound bashful or something. "Uh..this is not working out."  the male said. "But.." Nani tried to say but couldn't cause the male cut her off. "Uh-uh."  the male who I now know is her boss said whith his arms crossed and shaking his head. "Yeah? Well....who want to work at this fakey lulau anyway?"  Nani asked her boss before addressing Lilo.  "Come on Lilo."  Nani said. "You know I think I'll call it a night myself."  we heard Kanani said as she catch up to us we made it home.

A Hawaiian Human Girl and experiment 626 ( Stitch love story )Where stories live. Discover now