Chapter four: 626 meets Kana, Lilo, and Nani and is named Stitch

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( 626 p.o.v. )

I had just landed or should I say crashed landed on the planet called earth I jump out of the now wrecked cruiser and the know new crater laughing maddly then talk excitedly in alien gabble I then run through a bush and onto a black surface like top then start to sniff the air the a drop of water fall to the ground I shoot at it then another drop of water fall onto my head so I shoot up in the sky only for a whole lot more come down by now it down pooring causing me to droop my ear in disapointed I then growl at it I then hear a frog croak I then point to where the frog is I then bark order while pointing my guns. At it I then hear a horn I turn towards where the sound is coming from so I then point my guns at the thing that coming at me but it doesn't slow down it runs me over then another one then another one  I then fell on consciousness. I then stated to come too. "Owwwww!"  I said holding my head I look over only to notice a group of furry four legged animals all hudled in the corner looking scared at me so I tried to shoot them I then noticed that I not only not have my guns but I wasn't wearing my sute so I tried to asked them about them but I don't think they understand me. "We need something that can defend itself that won't die something...sturdy. You know?"   I heard a female human asked

"Like a lobster."  I heard a smaller female human say followed by a cute giggle. "Lilo you lolo! Do we have a lobster door? No we have a dog door we're getting a dog."  the first female human saybut at that time I didn't care so I just escaped my cell went right past the three of them made it outside that is util I was almost blasted by a blaster so I then jumped into a tree climbed it as I was still being shot at until I made behind a big rock I then heard a familiar laugh followed the same familiar voice. "So nice to see your pretty face again!"  Jumba yelled. "Jumba?"  I asked myself I then went back inside the vary place I tried to escape from. "We need your name and address at the bottom."  I heard another female human as made through the door I then made back to the cell that I woke up in. "The kennel's back this way."  I heard the same third female human say. "Go pick some one out."  I heard the first female human say. "Yeah come on Lilo I'll go with you who know's I might find one for as well."  I heard a fourth female human I then hear them come back here. Hello? I hear the smaller female human asked as she look around.

" Hello!"  I heard the small and the big females yell as I bang my head agenst the brick wall. "Is there an animals in here?"  little females human asked but they are all up on the rafters I then ran out sift the air I then looked behind me noticed a poster the reads *Adopt today* with a small human and one of those fur four legged animal like thing hugging each other with hearts maybe I can make that work all I have to do is get ride of my extra arms,antennas and feelers.

"Hello!"  I heard both of the female humans yell out once again so I quickly got rid of them then ran out waged my tail. "Hi."  the small female said so I stood up. "Ho..ha..hi."  I said Ithen ran up to them and gave the smaller female human a hug.  "Wow!"  the small female human say. "Wow indeed he looks so unique I mean I've never seen a blue dog before or one that talks or give hugs."  the fourth female say as I then give her a hug after I let go so we can walk out I actually got a look at them the fourth female look varry pretty for a human that is. "Oh yes all of our dogs are adoptable."  I heard the second female human say to the first female human say.  "Except that one!"  the second female human exclamed shocked as she then ran over to take hold of me while the first human take hold of the small female human by the waist with one arm while grabbed the fourth human female by the arm and pushed her behind the first human female. "What is that thing?"  the first female hman asked. "A dog I think but it was dead this morning."  the seconed human said. "It was dead this morning!"  the first female human exclamed.

"We thought it was dead it was hit by a truck!"  the seconed female human exclamed.  "I like him."  the little female told the first female human. "Come here boy!"  the little female human said so I started to pull the second female human by pulling the second female human trying to get over to her as the first female human backed up onto a chair as she picked up the smaller human female. "Ohh! Agh! Ugh!"  the first female human yelled as I got closer. "Wouldn't you like a different dog?"  the first female human asked the small female human. "We have better dogs dear."  the seconed female human said. "Not like him he can talk."  the small human female told them. "Say hello."  the small human female ordered.  "He...Hell-...."  I started to say but was cut off by the seconed female human. "Dogs can't talk dear."  the second female human said. "He did."  the small female human said. "Does it have to be this dog?"  the first female human asked the small female human.  "Yes he's good I can tell."  the small female human as I was panting I then stick my tonge up my nose and eat my buger we then went up to the counter to sing the paper work. "You'll have to think of a name for him."  the seconed female human said. "His name is Stitch."  the small female human said causing me to look at her cause that's not a bad name.

"That's not a real name."  but was cut off by the other two female humans shaking their heads in a no fason. "In Iceland but here it's a good name Stitch it is that'll be a two dollar licece fee."  the seconed female said the first female human started to pay but was stopped by the small female human. "I want to buy him!"  the small female human exclamed. "Can I borrow two dolllars."  the small female human asked/whispered to the first female human who then took back the two dollars from the seconed female human the small female human then taped the first female human on the leg the first female human then took the two dollars back from her then gave it back to the seconed female human she then stamped the paper. "He's all yours."  the seconed female human said as she handed the paper to the small female human as I sat near the fourth female human while trying to look at the paper that has my new name on it as well as the small female human's name on it. "Your all mine!"  I heard Jumba's voice come frome out side. "Well what's he doing?"  I heard someone else asked. "Shh! Keep quiet he's listening for us."  I heard Jumba's voice say.  "How good is his earing? Can he.." the other voice stated to say until it was cut off by what sound like it was being chocked so I go outside to see what's going on as well as to show Jumba that I had done my homework so when I noticed the red beem. "Why don't you run?"  I heard Jumba asked so as to answer his question I barked.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"  Lilo yelled as she ran out and gave me a hug then the other the fourth female human came out. "Hey Stitch ready to go and see your new home? Oh by the way my name is Kanani and I think we're going to be the vary best of friends."  Kanani said as she smiled and gave me a pat on the head. "This is low even for you!"  heard Jumba yell so I just stood on my head then waved my but at him. "Hoo-hoo!"  I said  as I did so but then I see Jumba running towards me and a walking one eye noodle right behind him from the way it sound he's tryting to stop Jumba so I start to bark. "What is it Stitch?"  Lilo asked but I just continue to bark causing the other two to come out. "Bad dog barking at nothing!"  the seconed female human said as she squorted me with the water we then left the animal shelter and was walking into town. "Ok we have to get back to work stick around town and stay out of the roads. Ok?"  Nani asked as she handed Lilo some money while I was watching the giant spider destroying everything. "We'll meet you two at one."  Kanani said with a smile.

A Hawaiian Human Girl and experiment 626 ( Stitch love story )Where stories live. Discover now