Chapter three: Wishing star

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( Kanani p.o.v. )

We had just received a phone call from Lilo's Hula School that she not only was late but she had picked a fight with Mertle Edmonds I secertly hope that Lilo won that fight that spoild brat deserves everything she has coming to her she thinks she better then almost everyone but manly Lilo all cause if Lilo could gets some friend they'll be her true friend and not bribed nor would they have acted like a clone or robot they can just be they're selves Noni went to handle it in the mean time I went to the house to make sure everything was in order which wasn't but I fixed that with a quick cleaning just then Lilo had walked in. "Hey Lilo shouldn't you still be at the school waiting for Nani to pick you up?" I asked but all she did was walk towards the stairs went to her room came back down with her records and player and started to play her Elvis records she then layed down next to her player. "So I heard you got into a fight with the brat I mean with Mertle today." I said at the word brat got her to at least to giggle. "Maybe." Lilo said. "Well if you did can you please tell me that you won?" I asked just as she was about to answer Nani came home. "Why worn't you at the school? You were suppose to met me there." Nani said but once again before she could have answered there was a knock on the door Noni answered it, it turned out to be the social worker.

"​​​​​​Hi you must be the..." Nani started to say but was cut off by the man in black wanna be. "The stupidhead." the man in black wanna be said. "Oh! Oh you know I'm really sorry about that if I'd known who you were of course I neverr would have....I can pay for that." Nani said. "It's a rental are you one of the guardians?" the man in black wanna be asked. "Yes I'm Nani and this is my friend Kanani nice to meet you Mr..." Nani said while introducing herself as well as me as she stick out her hand for the man in black wanna be to shake. "Bubbles." Mr. Bubbles said looking to the side. "Mr. Bubbles that's a strange..." Nani started to say but was cut off by Mr. Bubbles. "Yes I know. Are you going to invite me in Nani?" Mr. B. asked. "Yes please come in." Nani said moving aside to let him in they then went towards the kitchen where Nani noticed the drawling that Lilo did ealer today went over to the fridge to take it down then went into the fridge to get everone a drink. "Lilo honey face this is Mr. Bubbles." Nani said as Lilo and I walked into the kitchen. "Nice to meet you." Mr. Bubbles said as he held out his hand for her to shake but she just looks at his knuckles. "Your knockles say Cobra, Cobra Bubbles you don't look like a social worker." Lilo said as he kneeled down to her hight.

"I'm a special classifcation." Mr. Bubbles said. "Did you ever kill anyone?" Lilo asked. "We're getting off the subject let's talk about you. Are you happy?" Mr. B. asked she was about to say something but changed her mind. "I'm adjusted I eat four food groups and look both ways before crossing the street, and take long naps...and get disciplined?" Lilo asked at the end when Nani held up her fist. "Disciplined?" Mr. B. asked. "Yeah they disciplins me real good Nani sometimes five times a day with bricks." Lilo said. "No." Nani whipered while waving her hand in the air trying to stop Lilo from talking. "Bricks?" Mr. B. asked. "Uh-huh in a pillowcase but with Kana just send me to my room with nothing to do, no dissert depeneding on what I did It'll be for ether a day or sometimes a week." Lilo continued to explan. "Ok!" Nani yelled as she ran over to cover Lilo's month. "That's enough sugar for you why don't you two run along you little cutie." Nani said to Lilo so I took Lilo by the hand and went into the livingroom. "The other social workers just thought she was a scream!" Nani said nervously with a nervous laugh. "Let me illuminate you the precarious stituation in which you have found yourself in I am the one they call when things go wrong and things have indeed gone wrong." Mr. B. said he then went to the living room where he see Lilo a book that reads practical voodoo then under the title skull cross on ether side of a skull and some spoons with grass, and faces on them and a jar of pickles that she places the spoons in then give it a shake.

"My friends need to be punished." Lilo said it as if it was the most obvous and something that happens every day bases. "Call me if anything wrong happens." Mr. Bubbles said as he hands Lilo his business card. "Yup." she said as she takes it. In case you're wondering this didn't go well." Mr. B. started to say as he then rip open the door. "You have three days to change my mind." Mr. B said he then leaves Nani then turned towards Lilo causing her to scream and run away and the chase was on until Nani catches her. "Why didn't you wait at the school? You were supposed to wait there!" Nani yelled as Lilo keeps on strugling. "Lilo! Do you not understand? Do want to be taken away? Answer me!" Nani yelled. "No!" Lilo yelled as she continue to strugle. "No you don't understand?" Nani asked. "No!" Lilo yelled. "No what?" Nani yelled. "No!" Lilo yelled once again she then thew herself face down onto the floor she then starts to mutter to herself Nani and I look at each other as we both try to make out what Lilo is trying to say. "Ohh! You're such a pain!" Nani said in frustration as she sits down with her hand in her hands. "So why don't you sell me and buy a rabbit instead?" Lilo asked/yelled as she gets back up. "At least a rabbit would behave better than you!" Nani yelled as Lilo walks towards the stairs. "Go ahead! Then you'll be happy it will be smarter than me too!" Lilo yelled as she climbed up the stairs. "And quieter!" Nani yelled up the stairs afdter Lilo. "You'll like it cos it's stinky like you!" Lilo yelled as she went into her room then slamed the door. "Go to your room!" Nani yelled. "I'm already in my room!" Lilo yelled as she then reslam the door.

Nani and if I know Lilo she too is screaming into a pillow lattr that night Nani and I went up to Lilo's room with a plate of pizza for Lilo. "Hey we brought you some pizza in case you were hungry." Nani said. "We're a broken family arn't we?" Lilo asked. "No!" Nani and I said in sync as Nani put the plate down and we kneeled down to Lilo's hight. "Maybe a little maybe a lot." Nani said. "Well we don't have to be as long as we have each other and some times small family's is a good thing I mean look a Mertle's family it's just her and her mom and she's a spoiled brat that gets everything she want and is still missable where we not have each other even though I'm not I'm not really apart of your family by blood you two are like the best lil sisters I could ever asked for and we're all really happy to just have each other." I said with a smile that cause them both to smile. "Anyways I shouldn't have yelled at you." Nani said looking down. "We're sisters it's our job." Lilo said. "Yeah well from now on..." Nani start to say but Lilo cut her off. "I like you better as a sister then a mom." Lilo said. "Yeah?" Nani asked as she leans over the bed with her arms crossed on the bed. "And you like me as a sister then a rabbit. Right?" Lilo asked saddly as she puts her head down. "Aaww..." Nani starts to say as she get on the bed as she picks up Lilo then puts her into her lap. "Yes, yes I do." Nani said. "I hit Mertle Edmonds today." Lilo said. "You hit her?" Nani asked. "Before I bit her." Lilo said. "You bit here Lilo you shouldn't....." Nani started to say but Lilo cut her off.

"People treat me different." Lilo said saddyly. "They just don't know what to say." Nani said "Well there's that and I think they're just jealous cause you have two amazing sisters, an amazing imagination and you don't care what people say or at least you shouldn't the only one's opinion that matter are the one that are in this room that Nani, you and I meanly you cause as long as you like you and your happy with yourself then like and is happy with who you are you don't need to change for no one if they don't like you for who you are. Then who needs them? You understand Lilo?" I asked causing both her and Nani to smile and for Lilo to nodded. "And I'll tell you what if you promise not to fight any more then I promise not to yell at you except on special occasions." Nani said. "Tuesday and Bank Holidays would be good." Lilo said. "Yeah would that be good?" Nani asked as she tickles her causing her to giggle. "Oh my camera's full again." Lilo said as she hands Nani, her camera she then look at her wall album. "Aren't they beautiful?" Lilo asked in awe as she looks at her photos just then the lights went out then there was a green light fly or falling down cause all three of us to go to the window. "A falling star!" Lilo yelled as it then lands somewhere far away. "I called it!" Lilo exclamed. "Get out I have to make a wish!" Lilo yelled as she pushes Nani and I out of her room.

"Can't you Nani go any faster?" Lilo asked since she wasn't pushing me cause I had left when she asked. " Oh no!" Nani faked exclamed. "Gravitly is increasing on me." Nani said as she fakes to fantied and land on top of Lilo who is not buying it. "No it's not!" Lilo yelled as she still try's to push Nani. "It is too the same thing happened yesterday." Nani said. "You rotten sister your butt is crushing me!" Lilo yelled as she get out from underneath Nani. "Why do you act so weird?!" Lilo asked/ said as she slams the door causing Nani to rube her head Nani and I then litsen at the door after we had opened it a crack. "It's me again I need someone to be my friend someone who won't run away maybe send me angel the nicest angel you have." Lilo said Nani and I shared a look

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