Chaper six: Home sweet and a long day

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( Kanani p.o.v. )

We finally made it home. "Did you lose your job because of Stitch and me?"  Lilo asked as we were walking up the stairs. "Nah! The manager's a vamire and wanted me to join his of the undead."  Nani lied as we continued to climb the stairs. "I knew it."  Lilo said we finally made up stairs and at the door. "This is a great home you'll like it a lot."  Lilo said as she opened the door we then walked in I turn on the lights causing Stitch to hiss like a cat. "See?"  Lilo asked while bendding down to Stitch's hight. "Uh Lilo..." Nani start to say but Lilo was just ignoring her as she grabbed hold of a pillow. "Comfy!"  Lilo said as she show Stitch the comfy pillow but he take's it out of her hand and pushes her to the floor then start to tare at the pillow. "Hey! what's the matter with you?"  Nani asked as I take him off the pillow and Nani pick it up and put's it back onto the couch I then pick Lilo up off the floor. "Are you ok?"  I asked. "Yeah thanks."  Lilo said as she then ran up to Nani. "Be careful of the little angel!"  Lilo yelled as Stitch hissed at Nani then sticked his feet into his mouth then start to roll around. "It's not an angel I don't even think it's a dog."  Nani said. "I agree with Nani on the dog thing I think he might be an alien or something."  I said causing them to look at me weird as I continue to watch roll around until he rolled into the kitchen. "We just have to take him back."  Nani said. "He's just cranky because it's he's bedtime."  Lilo said while pointing at Nani. "He's creepy I won't sleep knowing he's lose in the house."  Nani said

"You're in the house all the time Kanani and I sleep just fine!"  Lilo argued. "Hey don't bring me into this!"  I yelled into the liveing room from in the kitchen as I continue to watch Stitch as well as clean up after him as Lilo walks into the kitchen just as Stitch takes the blander takes off the lid then turn it on. "Hey what are you doing?"  Lilo asked as the blender goes out of controle and the smoothie is going everywhere. "Stop that Stitch!"  Lilo yelled just as I was taking the blender away and shut it off just as Nani walks in. "Hey!"  Nani yelled when she see the mess. "Look at him he's obviously mutated drom something or Kanani is right he's an alien."  Nani started to say as she try's to take him out of the Kitchen but he grabs onto the archway of the wall. "We....have to take him back."  Nani said as she strugles trying to take him out of the kitchen. "He was an orphan and we adopted him! What about O'hana?"  Lilo asked/yelled. "He hasn't been here that long!"  Nani yelled back. "Neirther have I dad said O'hana means family."  Lilo starts to say causing both Nani and Stitch to stop and Nani to close the door.  "O'hana means family and family mean."  Lilo said. "Nobody gets left behind." they both said in sync. "Or?"  Lilo asked. "Or forgotten I know, I know I hate it when you use O'hana agenst me."  Nani said little annoyed Lilo just sticks her toung at her. Don't worry you can sleep right next to me. Lilo said with a giggle Lilo, Stitch and I then went up stairs and to the bathroom where we got ready for bed we then went to her room Stitch kicks the door open then went in and start sniffing around.

"Look how curious the puppy is!"  Lilo said as Stitch continue to look around.  "This is my room."  Lilo start to say with her arms in the air wide open. "And this is your bed!"  Lilo said Stitch just barks as she shows him where his bed is. "This is your dolly and bottle."  she said as she show him her home made doll and the bottle that she filled with coffee. "See? Doesn't spill."  she said as she shakes it upside down to show him that it indeed doesn't spill. "I filled it with coffee."  Lilo said as he starts to drink it. "Good puppy now get into bed."  Lilo said happily as she pull the covers back for him to get in but he just push her and climb into her bed. "Hey that's mine!"  Lilo said as she gets up then climb up on her bed. "Down!"  Lilo said as she points to the floor but Stitch just hits her with the pillow he then see the picture and picks it up to look at. "Be careful of that!"  Lilo exclamed angrly as she try's to get it back from him.  "You don't touch this don't ever touch it!"  Lilo yelled after she got her picture back from Stitch she then put it back where it was as Stitch grawls and then jumps off the bed then talk what sound like alien gabble. "No don't pull on her head!"  Lilo yelled as she jumps off her bed then ran to save her home made doll. "She's recovering from surgery."  Lilo said as she takes the doll from Stitch he then rolled up to the blue panting and start to pull on it  "No! That's from my blue period."  Lilo said as I take him away from the panting and Lilo put an hawaiin flower neckless around his neck causing him to not only calm down but to fall on his back onto the floor as well as cause him to purr.

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