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    The breeze was calm, the night was chilly, She had been running for so long that she had lost track of time, the place was a bit lonely,  She had no idea where She was . She was tired, hungry, her feet were sore, she wanted nothing more than to just end it all. What was she even trying to survive for? What was she struggling for? Why was she even trying to live? she should have just stayed home. She knew she made the best decision by running away but she wished she had thought more about the details of running from home before leaving. She had nowhere to go, what was she going to do? She wondered how she was going to survive all on her own, she was in a completely different state where she didn't know a single soul.

Frustrated and exhausted she decided to stay at a bus stop. There was a bench that she could lay on for the night. It wasn't safe out there, but it wasn't like she had any valuables to be stolen so the only fear was getting kidnapped which at this point should not be a fear cause who In their right mind would want her?

She walked to the bench, It was metal so it was cold, this was going to be a cold night.


She opened her eyes slowly then closed them back to time to adjust to the bright lights. The bright lights, 'bright lights...wait! What lights?' she thought and her eyes shot open as she abruptly sat up on the bed. She noticed that she was in the room and wondered how she got there. She tried to think back to how she got here but couldn't gather much to work with. All she could remember was a car pulling up In front of her and someone coming out, they were alone, it was dark therefore she didn't see much because the lights were half reflecting into her eyes. 

'How could I let this happen?'. She thought. She used my hands to rake her hair and got up from the bed then looked around. 

The room was lavished in money, it was clear that she wasn't in an ordinary house. It looked so expensive but at the same time it felt so mediocre. Everything had a white theme to it and the room looked remarkable. She didn't deny that but instantly remembered that she wasn't supposed to be there. She saw French doors and rushed towards them because she could see outside. By the time she got there she found out that it led to a balcony. A small balcony, from the view it was evident now that wherever she was.....she wasn't on the ground level of this building so there wasn't much of a choice of me escaping through the window. 

As she walked back into the room her thoughts began running wild. Who owns this place? Who brought her there? What was their plan for her? 

She heard a distinct sound and instantly came alert. She looked around and realised the door was opening, slowly. She began to freaky out and tried looking around for something She could use as a weapon in case this person was a threat to her

It was futile.

She didn't have enough time.

It was over.

Her heart was racing and it echoed loudly in her ears. What was she supposed to do? Subconsciously holding her breath she watched as the person opening the door finally came into view. 

A blonde girl stepped in with her back facing the room she looked around her age,she pulled something in. It was a trolley  what was going on. She didn't look like someone who was used to this because she looked like she had some trouble coming in with the trolley.  She stared at her quietly and for some reason she became slightly more relaxed.

She turned the trolley around and used her leg to slowly push the door back in place trying her best to be very quiet. When she closed the door she saw her let out a small sigh of relief. 

Suddenly her eyes shot up and stared in her direction, her heart stopped.  The movement was so sudden. She must've felt her presence.  Her eyes were green, forest green, they were beautiful. This wasn't the time to admire a stranger's eyes but she couldn't help it.

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