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He smiled. ‘So it was her’. He said to himself. 

Ava gave him a confused look. “Brett?” 

He looked at her. 

“ you zoned out. Are you alright?” She asked.

“ Yeah,” he nodded slowly. 

He looked at his watch and saw that it was already 4 o’clock in the morning. “ It's already morning, you should get some sleep.” He stood up and she followed suit. “ I'll see you off to your room”. 

They were walking to Ava's room when Brett spoke.” I'm sorry for keeping you up this late.” 

“ We kept each other up late,” she corrected. “Besides I'm glad we spoke, I'm glad we were able to have that conversation, now I feel somewhat lighter” She gave a small smile as she looked at him.

“Me too,” he replied, smiling back.

They got to Ava's room. He watched as she opened her door and stepped inside then turned around to look at him. “ Thanks for today” she said with her shining so genuinely. 

“Thank _you_” he replied. “Goodnight Ava” 

“ Goodnight” she replied and shut the door.

She walked to her bed and fell face flat on it. She was so exhausted but for some reason only started feeling that way when she got to her room. She turned upside down on her bed, her face now facing the ceiling. 

She took a deep breath in and thought about everything that had happened that night. She saw Brett angry for the first time, she had a flashback in front of him and she told him about her past. It might a long list but it was a lot. Her past was always such a sensitive topic for her and she never brought it up for any reason. The only people who knew of it were Paris and Anne. Apparently now Brett knew too. She didn't like talking about her past because she didn't want people's perspective of her to be based on what she has been through. She didn't want to be defined by what had happened to her so she kept It a secret. But Brett knew now, and he didn't make her feel bad or pitied. She was glad about it. After thinking for some time eventually she fell asleep. 


The next morning Ava got dressed in workout clothes and went to the gym in the mansion to workout a bit.

She finished up with her usual workout routine and still had excess energy which was surprising considering the time she slept the previous night. She was leaving the house to run a few laps around to wear off the extra energy when she noticed that the showglass Brett destroyed yesterday was already replaced, this one looked even more expensive than the previous one.

After running a few laps she decided to go back to.the mansion and as she was getting to.the gate she noticed Brett standing there so she just jogged to him and stopped next to him.

“ Ava” he said, slightly surprised.

“ Hey…good morning” she said while panting a bit.

“You went for a run?” He asked.

“Yeah, I just wanted to wear off some energy.” She replied. “ By the way why are you standing here, it's unusual to see you outside without your car”.

“ I just came back from my run. I'm surprised we didn't see each other.” He replied.

“ So am i” she smiled.

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