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Ava’s eyes widened as soon she realized someone was there to help her. She no longer felt trapped in the surreal bubble, instead she felt a ray of hope. She saw a car approaching fast and realized that was her rescue. 

She turned around and saw that one of the men had falled down and blood was seeping from the wound on his head. She was not sure what had happened but it didn't matter. 

“Desmond!” The man  in front of Laroi who just fell looked back at the call of his name. “ go get the car!”.

He faced the front , then stood up and started running towards the car. Before he got to the driver's seat he dropped to the ground.

“Shit!” the leader cursed. He suddenly raised his gun to Ava's head as he held her closer to himself. He knew that the only gun able to do what just happened was a sniper, there was a sniper on one of those roofs. He kept Ava close to himself, a sniper's bullet could go through at least 5 human heads, if they were to shoot at any of his vitals it would definitely hit her too. He was strong enough to withstand a bullet wound on any other non vital place. . 

The car that had been approaching them had now gotten to them and stopped with a screech. Brett walked out of the driver's seat and stared at him dead in the eye. The rain was still drizzling on them.

“ One step closer and I'm going to shoot!” He threatened. 

He thought he had it all planned out until he got shot in the hand that was holding the gun pointed at Ava's head. The gun dropped to the floor as he grimaced and hissed out in pain. 

Brett's gaze remained fixed on the guy as he walked towards them. 

“Stay back!” The leader said as he walked back holding Ava even tighter. 

Ava was quiet as she saw Brett walk towards them expressionless. In the dimly lit street Brett's presence was like a shadow in the moonlight. Despite his appearance being hidden by darkness his aura was clearly felt. Ava sensed this as well and it sent a shiver down her spine. The cold she had been feeling all this time was nothing compared to the chilly aura Brett brought with him. Brett was no longer the kind and thoughtful person she had known. There was a coldness surrounding him, an aura of fear.

He walked towards them with a determination that sent a message of impending danger. The leader was no longer looking confident or intimidating. He was clearly shaken and was trying to keep Ava close in order to shield himself.

The leader was a man used to using intimidation to get his way. He had been able to overcome many obstacles in life by using fear as his weapon. But today he was the one who was scared. He could feel his heart pounding out of his chest from the dread he felt when he saw Brett approach him.

Brett continued to walk closer and the leader could feel the icy aura growing stronger the closer he got. It was like he was drowning in a sea of cold emotion as he watched his opponent walk towards him with an unwavering gaze.

The leader was starting to feel more unhinged with each passing moment. His fear was growing into desperation and he could feel a sense of madness creeping into his mind.

"Stay back," he shouted out again, more aggressively this time.

Brett ignored his warning and kept walking, his footsteps getting louder with every step. The leader could feel the pressure building up and up inside of him until he felt like he was going to explode.

The leader let go of Ava as the emotion of fear started to creep back into his mind. He quickly bent down to pick up the gun that was on the floor but it was too late.

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