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Ava slowly opened her eyes and dragged her fingers off the keys of the keyboard. Everything was blurry because of the tears that clouded her eyes. She hated to remember that but she couldn't help it. Shr knew crying was going to do nothing and she should stop but the tears just kept coming.

When she got a hold of herself, she stood up and went to her room, took a shower and slept.  She woke up in the evening when it was dark everywhere. She called Paris and told her of everything that had happened from Seth to the flashback and she felt way better after the call, she always had a way of making Ava feel better.

After the call she went to the balcony outside her room. The Dawson's mansion was set on a hill a bit far from other houses so she had a good view of the environment, the lights looked nice, it helped her keep a clear mind, the moon's delicate light that illuminated everywhere, the scene was refreshing.

She sat down on one of the cushions on the balcony and took a deep breath in. She thought back to how it was before, Anne, if not for her she probably wouldn't have had a home or even hope of going back to school. She was very grateful, but looking back, if not for him she knew she would probably not be alive.

She began to reminisce to when she ran from home, she was not so far from her home town when she mistakenly stumbled upon a gang of men who seemed very dangerous, they said she had gone into their 'territory' and she had to pay some sort of price for that, she didn't wait long enough to find out what that was and ran out of there like her life depended on it which it did most likely did , they chased her for a long period of time and after a couldn't see them anymore but she was too scared to stop running. She kept running without even thinking of where she was going or what she was going to do, she didn't even realise when she got to the road and almost got hit by a car till she felt a hand drag her back, her and the person fell to the ground. The person's grip was strong and she looked up and saw the man on the floor opposite her holding his head with one hand,  the abrupt fall probably hurt his head. Suddenly he looked at her and their eyes met, shock in his eyes, probably the same look in hers. It only lasted a few seconds then she snapped out of it and stood up quickly then turned to leave. She didn't even have enough time to look at his face because she was still scared that she was being chased by the people she met earlier so she just rushed away from there before finally getting to where she felt she was safe.

Thinking back, he saved her life, she would have been dead if not for him. She felt bad that she couldn't at least say thank you.

Shrbthought about her former house, she wondered how her dad was doing.

The next day was her usual Sunday routine and the next day was Monday.

She woke up early and got ready for school. She met Anne in the kitchen and after breakfast they got into Anne's car as she was the one that normally drives us to school. 

"You ready?" She asked. 

"Yeah " she was putting on my seatbelt.


The car stopped with a screech.

"You really need to learn how to drive more carefully, you could've gotten us killed!" Ava said slightly freaking out.

"Why have a sports car if you're not going to drive super fast". She shrugged.

Ava facepalmed and brought out her hair brush from her bag to brush down her hair. After that she made her way to the entrance of the school with Anne. It was nice being back after being suspended for a few days. 

Ava didn't have any friends so it was a smooth walk to her locker. Paris's family was out of town for some time so she didn't come that day. 

Ava had two classes and it was time for biology. She had to go to the lab so she started packing her things into her bag. She was a bit slow and everyone left on time to get a good seat so she was the only one left in class.

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