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She don't know what she was thinking when she hugged Brett, she just knew she had to do it, it felt right, she could see that her words were barely getting through to him because he was caught up in his mind. As soon as she hugged him his strong scent invaded my senses, she wrapped her and around his neck and when he didn't hug her back she felt discouraged, but almost immediately the thought came to her head she felt his hands slowly rest on her waist as he hugged her back and a sudden heat crawled up her body. She didn't realise when she stared speaking but when she was done she felt his body relax, he was calm, she wished the hug could last forever but that was when she realised only one of his hands were holding her, then she remembered. 

His hand was still injured! How could she forget that very Important detail? She abruptly withdrew from the hug and held his wrist so she could see how bad it was. The sight of it made her heart stop for a moment.  His hand was bloodied with pieces of glass in it. The scene of her amily's death flashed through my mind.

"Your hand!" She said with urgency. 

He looked at it and shrugged. " It's nothing serious ".

"Nothing serious" she repeated under her breath. " How could you say that, how could you do something so reckless!" She said almost yelling. " what if you got yourself killed!"

He was silent for a while " this couldn't possibly- ".

" I know you were pissed but think some things through! If you don't have any regard for yourself then at least think about the people that care about you". She had no idea where any of what she was saying was coming from but she felt herself becoming emotional and tears welling up in her eyes. 

A small frown appeared on his face when he noticed it and probably also the change in the sound of her voice.

"Are you...crying? " he said rhetorically. 

It was ironic that he was the one hurt but she was the one crying. She used the back of my hand to clean my tears. "sorry...just forget what I said".

She could see that he wanted to say something but he didn't. She took his other hand in hers and led him to the couch as she left to get the first aid kit. 

While helping take out the pieces of glass and cleaning his wounds she felt his gaze burning into my skin. She llooked up and my eyes met his. His gaze was unwavering, she looked away.

"Ava" His deep calm voice sent a shiver down her spine.


"Why did you freak out when you saw my hand?".

" I gave my reason, it was reckless and i was concerned" I said plainly trying to end the conversation before it got started.

" That's not all." She looked at him " A lot of things have happened since we met and you've never once gotten emotional because of them, you don't seem fazed by a lot of things yet you cry because I hurt my hand, I feel like there's more to it than me hurting my hand." 

" Well, crazy shit happens" she didn't know why she was being curt and why she was behaving like that but she just knew it was needed. If she kept up with the curt answers he might decide to leave her alone, it was best she didn't say some things. When he didn't say anything she was sure that her plan had worked.

"Ava" he called her name in the softest way. "I understand that you're going through a difficult time. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, and that I'm here to listen and offer support. I know that it's not always easy to express your feelings, but I just want you to know that I'm here for you. I'm here to help in any way I can, and I will never pressure you or make you feel forced to share. Just know that I care about you and that I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to."

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