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Three months have gone by since the time Anne found Ava in the streets and brought her home.

Anne signed Ava up to be in the same highschool as her since they were both in their last year of highschool. Ava found it hard to fit in because Anne went to one of the most prestigious schools in San Francisco, which meant that everyone ---except from her --- was either born rich, famous,  or was very intelligent and got a scholarship.

Getting into the school was not easy for the average family in San Francisco . It was one of the schools for the highly privileged.

When it came to the academic part of it Ava was fine but it was safe to say she had no social life.

Anne walked the hallways of Vista high with two girls, Payton Eric , she brings ideas and moderates some things, Claire Maxwell, the dumb one that has a very fruity sense of fashion. Pretty clichè.

They controlled a lot of things in school which was mainly because Anne was one of the richest girls at the school.  She always throws parties and Ava found herself unfortunate to always be invited, most of the time the parties take place at the mansion so she really have anywhere else to stay.

Anne had been trying to Ava up with some dude named Seth, she didn't like him. Everytime she tried talking to her about it. She didn't really seem to understand her.

In school she didn't hang out with Anne, she was different there.  It was like she had this completely different persona she took on when she leaves the house, Ava found it hard to understand. 


On a Thursday afternoon Ava was walking down the stairs and overheard Anne's conversation with someone on the phone .

"Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm worried Anne" her dad said.

" you're overreacting"

"I'm not. Lately you've been getting into so much trouble.  Why don't you just focus on school and stop messing around?" His tone was firm.

" I don't know what you heard but it's not true" 

" I own a security company, it's true. You're going to act like I'm not the one who bailed you out of getting yourself in jail last week" 

" that was a misunderstanding "

"Of course " he was sarcastic.

" they just arrested me for overspeeding you say it like I killed someone " 

" if they hadn't arrested you then maybe you actually would have " 

"So what are you trying to say? What do you want from me?" 

There was a brief silence. 

" Ever since I let you get your own place last year it's evident that your irresponsible behaviour has started to top the charts. Clearly you still need some form of adult supervision " 

She furrowed her brows." I have some work that needs to be completed in San Francisco so I'll be sending your brother to live with you. His main purpose of being there is to give you some sort of adult supervision "

"You can't be serious, I don't want him here.  Things are fine as they are now " 

" for you. On the other hand you're ruining my reputation every day. I've made up my mind, he'll be there by Friday"

"That's tomorrow!" She exclaimed.


"Wait-" he cut the call." dammit!" 

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