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The carnival had been interesting so far, snacks, arcade games, ring toss, and so many others. Eventually they found themselves riding the ferris wheel together 

The ferris wheel ride was even more beautiful in the evening, the colorful ride was surrounded by twinkling lights that added to the romantic vibe. The warm air and the sweet scents of popcorn and cotton candy filled the atmosphere. The sound of the ferris wheel gently rocking back and forth accompanied the couple's gentle swaying. It was the perfect romantic setting for a couple in love, like Brett and Ava as they sat next to each other.

Ava looked at Brett and smiled at him. “Thank you for bringing me here tonight, I had a lot of fun”.

“Don't mention it, I should be thanking you for gracing me with your presence. Without you here it would've just been another carnival ”

Ava's eyes sparkled from the sweet words, and she found herself blushing. She was surprised by how much she had enjoyed their time together, and the feeling of his arm around her only added to the flutter of her heart.

"Stop it, you're making me blush." She said, her tone slightly embarrassed but still playful. 

Brett's smile widened and he leaned in closer. "Maybe I want you to blush." He replied, his playful tone making her blush even more.

The ferris wheel slowly rotated, carrying the couple to a different section of the carnival. The sights and sounds of the carnival seemed to melt away, and only the two of them remained.

Seeing how flustered she was Brett casually moved back to his original position. The atmosphere was calm and everywhere silent. All.that could be heard was the distant music and laughter from the world below them. 

"You look beautiful tonight," Brett said. 

“Thank you” she managed to voice out.

Ava was used to people complimenting her looks, but she had to admit that something about Brett's compliments had an extra effect. They made her heart race and she could feel her skin tingling.

She looked at him and saw the way he was staring at her, his gaze intense and filled with admiration. She felt butterflies in her stomach and could feel her body reacting to his words.

She shrugged off the feeling and continued looking around when suddenly as they got to the top of the ride fireworks started going off, they we're showing more on Brett's side so she subconsciously moved towards him to get a better look. The fireworks were of different colours and shapes. She brought out her phone to take pictures because of how pretty they looked. Some Japanese characters came up, she had no idea what it meant but she kept taking pictures planning to search it up later. The fireworks ended after showing a big heart.

She was still in a trance staring at the sky with stars in her eyes when suddenly her senses got invaded by his strong cologne. It brought her back to reality and that was when she realised that her hands were resting on Brett's lap and she was leaning in on him. His lips were merely inches away from her face. So close he didn't have to move much to steal steal kiss but instead just remained where he was with a faint smile on his face. She was frozen in place and didn't know what to do.

Ava didn't dare move. She could feel his body heat radiating through his shirt and his breath against her skin. It felt like an eternity, but it was probably just a moment before Brett finally leaned in and kissed her.

It was the perfect kiss; his hand slid around her waist, pulling her in closer as their bodies meshed together. She couldn't believe that she had been this close to him and hadn't noticed. She was frozen in place, but she didn't care. She just wanted the moment to last forever, Unfortunately it was all in her imagination, she wasn't making out with Brett, she was still hovering over him. She scolded herself for having such thoughts.

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