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Ava sat on the bed as she watched Brett clean up the mess that was created earlier when the perfume bottle fell and broke. Ava couldn't help but smile tenderly as she continued to watch Brett diligently clean up the mess. His every movement was precise and deliberate, and there was an air of confidence about him that she found irresistible.

As Brett finished cleaning up, he looked up and caught Ava gazing at him. The softness in her eyes and the curve of her smile made his chest tighten with a mix of longing and contentment. He walked in front of her then squatted. 

He placed his hand gently on her legs and held them firmly. He looked up and stared directly into her eyes. “I'm going to make sure what happened last night doesn't repeat itself" he said softly, his voice filled with warmth. He saw a small smile appear on her lips and her body tense down. 

“Thank you” she said in a low voice. 

He smiled back, his face glowed at the small gesture. He moved his hands from her legs and reached for both her hands and held them in his hands. He held them as though they were priceless gems then raised them to his lips and placed a soft kiss on them. 

As he kissed her hands, Ava felt the heat of his touch burning through her, leaving a trail of tingles in its wake. She closed her eyes and savored the moment, feeling the depth of his love and devotion in the simple gesture. She opened her eyes and met his gaze, her heart swelling with an unspeakable joy.

With a gentle smile, she reached out and touched his face softly, her fingers tracing the contours and valleys of his face with reverent affection. Their eyes locked, drawn to each other magnetically. Ava's fingers still gently caressed his face, trailing from his forehead to his cheek, then tracing the slight smile on his lips. As her thumb lingered over his mouth, Brett didn't resist the magnetic pull any longer. He leaned in and planted a tender, lingering kiss on her thumb, his lips brushing against her skin ever so softly. 

The gesture was so tender and intimate that it made Ava subconsciously swallow, her heart fluttering with anticipation and emotion. Brett didn't pull away immediately. He lingered there, his lips against her thumb, their breath mingling in the intimate space between them. His gaze remained locked with hers, his eyes filled with a tender devotion, and the corners of his mouth curled into a small smile. The simplicity of the moment seemed to last an eternity, yet too soon came to an end as he pulled back slightly, their eyes still locked in a silent exchange of affection and longing.

She stared at Brett who was staring at her with a lot of emotions in his eyes. She wanted him, she needed him. Almost immediately the thought came to her mind Brett stood up and stared down at her. She looked up, her eyes never leaving him. 

As the silence settled between the two, and their eyes remained fixed upon one another, it was almost as if time slowed. Then, almost like time itself had sped up again, Brett leaned in, gently taking Ava's face in his hands, his fingers threaded gently through her hair, and his touch soft and reverent.

As their lips met in a passionate, tender kiss, the world outside seemed to fade away. The worries and pressures faded, and all that mattered were the two of them…

Their breaths mingled and their hearts beat as one as the kiss deepened, their passion like a raging fire, burning with an intensity of love and desire.

He continued to kiss her fervently, his body lowering onto the bed, gently, careful not to crush her with his body. His hands trailed down to her waist, holding her in a gentle embrace as he deepened the kiss.

The kiss between them grew more intense, their bodies pressed close together as their lips and tongues collided in passionate exploration. As the kiss deepened, Brett slowly, gently pushed Ava back onto the bed, his body pinning hers down against the mattress. His lips broke the kiss as they trailed down her neck, leaving a trail of heated kisses as he continued to explore her body. His hands moved with a gentle yet firm touch, running over her curves and leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.

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