CH- 11 - My bloomed Daisy

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Warnings- Mention of trauma, abuse, etc.

Rachel has had a hard past. But one would describe her life as perfect and envy her, be kind to her face and talk bad about her behind her back. But, her wish had been fulfilled. Everyone thought she was a classic college princess and the perfect main character of a love story. Rich? Of course she was, her mother was an Engineer and Rachel's idol. Her mother is the smartest, the prettiest and the strongest person she knows but, she was too blindly in love with Rachel's father. Her father on the other hand, was unemployed but went around switching her mother's and his role. He claimed everyday that he was the wonderful engineer and the breadwinner of the family while Rachel's mother was a free-lancer living on his property. 

Her name was Lilith Accardi. It means independence for some, and belonging to the night for the others. Ironically, it was her husband who hated her the most, but, her loyalty and admiration for him was the strongest. Her father's name? It was Cameo Cipriano. Cameo is now a fugitive and Lilith hasn't seen him in ages. 

Rachel remembers all of her memories. Whether they were wonderful or if  they were  nightmares. The happy memories weren't a lot, but Rachel treasured them. She remembers one of her happiest memories, they date back to when she was 6 years old. They used to have a Christmas family tradition in which Rachel would be picked up by Lilith and she would put a star on their tree. That year, Cameo decided to decorate the tree with Rachel in his arms and Rachel giggled, as her father usually sat next to the tree and whispered something special in her ear, every Christmas, as soon as Lilith gently put her down. She was not available for Christmas that year so Cameo did everything he could to make Rachel happy and not miss Lilith much. When the time of decorating their tree came, Cameo said something in her ear that made Rachel cry from strong emotions and feelings. He said- "Rachel, you will forever be my bloomed daisy."

Happy moments lasted till Rachel was 7. They weren't entirely happy moments, but that was the time when Rachel was still a free and cheery kid. After her 8th birthday, however, she was forced to mature early. 

It was a happy afternoon and Rachel was playing her violin and showing what she learnt from her lesson that day. She was in Lilith's office and Lilith had put her important call on hold, just so that she could see her daughter play her violin. Lilith smiled to herself and Rachel was lost in the harmony in the melody of her violin, her eyes were closed and her fingers moved gracefully as they slowly switched the chords of the violin.  (A/N- I DO NOT KNOW HOW THE VIOLIN WORKS, I DO NOT MEAN TO OFFEND ANYONE!!)  She was about to finish when suddenly, Cameo barged in Lilith's office, holding a young girl's hand. 

She looked like she just turned 16. She had smooth brown skin like cocoa and small eyes with a siren-like gaze, with long beautiful lashes and dainty deep brown sharp lips. The girl was tall and had long sleek and straight black hair which reached her waist. "Lilith, I finally found a babysitter for R-Rachel!" He said while staring at the 16 year old. Rachel was a bit disturbed with her 34 year old father staring and blushing at a young teenager. Lilith didn't seem to notice Cameo's intentions, and happily accepted the girl's request for a job. "My name is Tara" Her eyes wandered through Lilith's office and fell on Rachel. She had mesmerizing blue eyes but Rachel was had a bad feeling about them Tara looked at Rachel in disgust and turned to Cameo "Is that your child?" "Yes," "Ugh, she is ugly, I guess I have to deal with it." Lilith was royally pissed at Tara but she ignored her snarky comments. Cameo also insisted the fact that Tara should live with their family as they had a lot of space in their house. "I mean, if Rachel doesn't mind, of course she can!" Rachel wanted to scream "Yes! I mind! Please get out of my mother's house!" But, she was forced to nod as her father looked at her with pleading eyes. 




(Word Count- 743) 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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