New Hero On The Block

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New York City, it was a clear day as Y/n was sitting on the empire state building watching the streets, for the past year he's been classed as the peoples hero going around the world saving and helping people even the most of trivial of tasks like saving cats from trees, but lately someone has caught his eye. For the past few months he's been following a new hero that has been secretly helping the people of New York without the need of thank you or reward but they were very green in terms of fighting so for the past few months Y/n had decided to find this hero and see who they were. It didn't take long for criminals to appear and cause trouble for the city so Y/n jumped into action and delt with the criminals very quickly as they were child's play compared to the threats he's faced over the years.

Upon dealing with the last group of criminals who were trying to rob a bank, they arrived, swinging from the buildings in a red and blue suit and rather small in stature compared to Y/n who was at a 6'1 and rather built which could only mean they were a teenager, Y/n watched as they jumped into the action and lifted up a car freeing an officer as gun fire continued to rain across the street, Y/n looked over to the red and blue hero.

Y/n: Hey we better wrap this up before anyone else gets hurt.

The red and blue hero looked at him and seemed rather star struck as he stuttered.

Hero: Oh.oh. okay.

He swings over the car while Y/n jumped over and slammed his fist into the group causing a shockwave of energy knocking down the thugs, before they got up the red and blue hero swings around them and uses what looked like webbing to wrap up the thugs sticking them together. With the fight over the police began to arrest the thugs while Y/n and the red and blue hero left the area and stood on top of a building, Y/n's helmet retracted down into his suit and he looked at the small hero who was almost skipping on the spot with excitement.

Y/n: You did great work back there.

Hero: Oh thank you! I mean thanks, great work by the way.

Y/n quietly laughed while holding his hand out for a handshake.

Y/n: I'm Y/n.

The hero grabbed hold of his hand and started to shake it frantically with excitement.

Hero: Wow. I can't believe I'm shaking your hand. This is amazing.

He coughed.

Hero: I mean, it's a pleasure meeting you in person.

Y/n: Do you have a name?

Spider-Man: Oh yeah! It's Spider-Man.

Y/n: That's really cool, so what about under the mask?

Peter: Oh, well, I'm I'm I'm, Peter. Peter Parker.

Y/n: Well Peter, it really is good meeting you, tell me, how do you make that webbing of yours? Is it a chemical based reaction that causes it to make the compound of webbing while having the tensile strength of steel?

Peter: Yeah! I make it at school. Wow. Your really smart.

Y/n: Oh come on your just as smart I would say. I mean you make that stuff at school, that's what I call Guarilla science right there.

Peter: Wow, I mean thanks, it really means a lot coming from you, your like my favourite hero.

Y/n waves him off jokingly

Y/n: Oh I'm nothing special, hey you want pizza? I always get the munchies after fighting all day.

Peter: Yes please! Pepperoni right?

Y/n: Pepperoni meat feast. Come on I know this sweet place that we can eat.

Meanwhile across the world, The Avengers were on the hunt for the remaining members of Hydra turned mercenaries and one of those was Rumlow. A former agent of Hydra and now mercenary was planning an attack on the city he was in, Steve Rogers along with Natasha Romanoff had gathered the team to deal with him before anyone was hurt. Wanda Maximoff, aka Scarlet Witch was sitting at a coffee shop adding sugar to a cup of coffee and stirring it as she looked around, while Steve looked from above inside a nearby building.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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