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It's safe to say Hugo didn't only exaggerate about his apartment, his job isn't as described either. The exclusive cocktail bar is actually a dark rock bar with posters glued to the walls and a small stage. My feet immediately stick to the floor as we enter, it smells like stale beer and BO. The music is so loud that I can't hear what ludo is saying. Im so out of place here in my Gucci dress and heels, everyone is wearing ripped jeans, band t shirts and leather. Even Hugo is dressed out of character, he's wearing a leather jacket it's a woman's but even so.

I'm happy I took Hugo's advice and dressed in black, if I had been wearing the champagne coloured dress I had picked out I would look ridiculous.

Hugo leaves me propped up against the bar as he goes to serve the rowdy customers. I order a cosmopolitan but the barman rolls his eyes and gives me a vodka and lemonade, I guess that's close enough.

"Are they any good" I turn to my left and find a tall man looking down at me. His hair is black and to his shoulders, his arms and neck are covered in ink. He's checking me out too, I can feel his eyes scanning my body. I can't help but to think how different he is to Tom. I shake the thought from my mind, I don't want to think about him.

"I don't know I've never heard them play" I reply. I take a sip of my drink and try not to look affected by him.

He smirks before taking the stool beside me "I assumed you were with the band, maybe a girlfriend or something"

"And why would you assume that"

He laughs before he looks me over again. "your not like everyone else here, did you get lost on your way to prom"

I look down at my dress, I laugh at his comment. " As though they would let me wear this to prom"

He laughs with me before introducing himself as Oli, I tell him I'm Savannah. I had considered giving a fake name but it unlikely he will link me to my family just by my first name.

"So why are you here"

"Maybe I thought I would slum it" I'm flirting, what am I doing. He's totally not my type, my mom would have a heart attack if she saw him.

"Two tequila's" he orders.

Hugo mouths "hes hot" to me as he pours the drinks.


He shakes his head and puts a shot in my hand "this one's yours"

"Oh no I don't like tequila"

"You've tried it"

I think about his question, no I haven't tried it. I take the glass and smell it, it smells awful. He clinks his glass with mine before downing the drink. I follow his lead, I cough as the liquid runs down my throat. His eyes light up with humour, he obviously thinks I'm a young rich girl who can't handle het liquor. I'll prove him wrong.

"Another two please Hugo and a drink for yourself" I place a note on the bar. Hugo knows how stubborn I've been lately so he doesn't argue.

"You liked it I'm surprised" Oli says, he's still watching me with interest.

"I didn't not like it" I joke, I can't say it's good but I want to enjoy my night and do things I normally wouldn't.

Hugo hands us the drinks before he gets himself a rum and coke.

The band starts to play, I wouldn't say they were good but my ears aren't bleeding.

"You visiting or have you moved here" Olis mouth is dangerously close to my ear.

"I'll be starting school here next month I just came to look for an apartment" it's not a total lie. I am planning to move here for school once I tell my mom that is. I haven't spoken to her since I left this morning, I was a cowards and sent her a message. I had called my sister Grace to let her know I'm safe, I feel bad that she would in turn have to call mom on my behalf.

"Let me guess, ballet "

I shake my head, he rubs his hands together. He's challenging himself to work me out.



"Fashion design"

"Art" I must react because he smirks and starts to tap his chin.

"You don't have callouses " he turns my hands before rubbing my palms with his fingers.

"Fine art, your studying other artists work and not creating your own"  he smiles triumphantly, he knows he's right.

I look him over, I instantly know what vw does for a living.

"Now I'll do you"

"I wish you would" he flirts, he's so close to me now, our knees are touching.


He narrows his eyes, he joins confused. I know in right. "The oil on your shoes plus you smell like petrol"

"I thought maybe you were a mind reader"

"I have been known to read a few minds" I flirt.

"Oh yeah what am I thinking "

I move closer, I'm almost straddling him now. Im feeling brave, I think the tequila has given me courage.

"You're thinking that we should go outside and get to know eachother better" I'm already standing I know he isn't going to refuse me.

He quickly stands and takes my hand, he leads me through an open fire exit and out onto the alley. He pushes me up against the brick wall, I don't have time to second guess my decision.  I need to get over Tom, I need to erase his touch, I need to experience what other men have to offer.

He slips his fingers in my Panties, the excitement of it all has me dripping. His kiss is so firm but passionate at the same time. I'm not use to this, tom walks never forceful it was always me in control. I'm not use to this heat this desperation, it's thrilling, the fact someone could discover us any moment is hot, I can't believe how turned on I am.

He pulls my underwear down, his own trousers are at his knees. He thrusts inside me, our lips never part. I moan against his lips as he rubs my clit, it all happens so quickly.

We pant as we re adjust our clothes, I just manage to pull up my panties before were joined by some drunken idiots. We both laugh as the strangers wolf whistle, it's obvious what we've just been doing.

He opens the door and gestures for me to go in.

"I'm gonna head home" I turn and walk up the street, I may have just had sex in an alley but I don't want to walk around smelling like I've just had sex in an alley.

"Hey arent you going to give me your number"

I shake my head "I don't think so"

He chases behind me, yes clearly surprised by my behaviour.

"What if I want to see you again" he asks

I smirk and turn, I kiss his cheek before I reply gently "if you want to see me that much you will find me"

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