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"imagine seeing you here mom" I joke as Hugo approaches our table still in drag. The girls are laughing, they haven't stopped since I told them who his character is based on. He grimaces, he doesn't know if I'm mad.

"I'm sorry" he pouts

"The only thing you need to be sorry about is that lipstick, mom wouldn't be caught dead wearing pink lip gloss" I laugh and he visibly relaxes.

"You liked" he says while copying mom's voice.

"You're a genius but the voice is freaking me out"

"Savannah why are you dressed like a woman of the night, how do you expect to find a suitable husband looking like that. It wouldn't kill you to add a set of pearls" he says, he even has my mother's hand gestures down.

"Her mom can't be that bad" Jolene comments.

"I may have exaggerated a little" Hugo lies, like me he doesn't want people knowing our families are wealthy.

Hugo kisses my cheeks before leaving, the girls and I continue to drink. It's the first time we've spent time together outside of work and it's great. This is what I needed, I need girlfriends to gossip with.

"We should order shots, let's really let our hair down" chastity urges, none of us argue. Other than school and work I've really had no life so partying with the girls is a real treat.

It's been a week since I started work, the money's been good I don't have to worry about buying food or paying my rent I now only have to worry about my family finding out. My dad would have a heart attack and my mom would murder me.

"So how's school, what is it your studying again " Gemma asks.


Gemma's face lights up, she's clearly excited by my answer.

"Oh your an artist that's so cool, will you be the next can goh"

"I hope not, he went nuts and cut his own ear off" Jolene comments.

"That was monet" Gemma argues

"No monet painted the mona Lisa" Jolene snaps.

"No that was Leonardo Di Vinci, monet painted the sunrise and van goh was the one who cut off his ear" Gemma is getting impatient, I gave a feeling this is going to turn ugly very quickly.

"You must think I'm stupid, everyone knows Leonardo is a ninja turtle"

"You really are stupid" Gemma spits.

"Who you calling stupid , bitch" Jolene stands knocking her drink across the table.

"Who are you calling bitch, cunt" Gemma stands, their noses are inches apart. There's seconds to spare before they come to blows.

"I had a major crush on splinter when I was a kid" chastity says out of no where, we all turn and look at her.

"The sewer rat" I question.

Chastity nods "yeah I don't know what it was but I always found him soft of sexy"

"That explains Damon" Gemma says making us all laugh. Damon is a tall skinny guy she's been dating for the last month, he does actually remind me of a rat.

"I guess if she can mistake splinter as good looking it's possible you may have made a mistake too" Joleen says, I wince at her words. I thought the fight was over that our laughter had broken the tension but obviously not. Gemma leaps forward pushing Jolene to the ground, I can't make out what's happening it's all a blur of long fingernails and hair extensions.


Well that was something we won't forget in a hurry, it's not every day you see Drag queens carrying exotic dancers out of a bar over their shoulders. The rest of us were made to leave too, as soon as the cold air hits me I start to shake. I can't believe how cold it is, I watch the girls as they sit on the street surveying their battle wounds in their cells.

"All those who agree we never discuss art again say I" chastity commands.

In unison we all say I.

"The I,s have it. Now let's get some burgers in so hungry I could eat the buffet at the club" she says.

I pull a face "I don't think I've ever been that hungry"

The girls laugh as we stroll down the street,we link arms and search for food. I feel good, it's funny but I feel like the four of us are like the sex and the city girls. I would definitely be Charlotte, I'm not sure how happy I am about that.

Jolene nudges me, I look over and see a couple arguing by a limo. The girls all go silent so they can hear the heated discussion , were all so nosey.

"I think she's been cheating" Gemma whispers.

I nod before turning my attention back to the screaming woman.

"I don't give a tiny rats ass who can hear, it's no secret that we're swingers" the older red head yells as she readjusts her fur coat.

"We are not swingers" he says sternly, he's clearly uncomfortable with the attention their getting.

"We fuck other people what else would you call us"

"Elizabeth lower your voice, your embarrassing yourself"

The woman cackles, she sounds like a witch. "Embarrassing myself or embarrassing you. Why do you care what people think"

"Because you date young boys young enough to be your son. No your grandson"

A loud clapping noise fills the air, she smacks him across the face before getting in the limo and closing the door behind her.

He shakes his head before touching his burning face. "Pms" he says as we pass, we hadn't been discreetly watching them like we had thought.

I laugh and reply "menopause more likely"

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